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It is easy the left side as to be ten times greater then your right side for example my ones place is ten times greater my tens place is ten times greater than my hundreds place and my hundreds place is ten times greater than my thousands place i hope this will help you bye

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In the decimal system, place values increase by a power of ten. If the numbers are the same, their relationship would be ten to one.

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Q: What is the place value relationship when the same two digits are next to each other in a multi digit number?
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What is A number with more than one digit is called?

We generally refer to them by the number of digits. Two-digit number, three-digit number, etc.

What is it called when you have a number that has more than one digit?

There is no specific name: you just call it a number with 2 or more digits or a multi-digit number.

What is a multi digit number?

A number with more than one digits: that is, an integer greater than 9.

Is anyone of the numbers 0123 place value?

No. A number with multiple digits does not have a place value. A single digit in a multi-digit number has a place value.

What is a multi-digit?

That refers to a number that has more than one digit. For example, 416 is a number; the individual symbols, 4, 1, and 6, are its digits. Since the number 416 has more than one digit, it is multidigit.

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The smallest prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 2.The smallest multi-digit prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 23.

The place value relationship When the two digit are next to each other in a multi-digit number?

The digit to the left has a place value that is "base" times that on the right. Normally, the base is 10.

What is a multi-digit number?

That refers to a number that has more than one digit.

What is the place value when the same two digits are next to each other in multi-digit number?

Don't make it more complicated than it is. The place value is decided only by how far the digit is from the decimal point. It has nothing to do with what digit is in it.

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Is 140 divisible by 10?

Yes +++ To amplify a little, if the final digit of any multi-digit number is 0, then the number is divisible by 10. (Just remove the 0.)

What does the word multi digit mean in math?

It means having more than one digit. In the context of decimal integers it means a number greater than 9.