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There was no point, that's the whole point...

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Q: What is the point of trading one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away?
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Is a quarter of a mile the same as point 2 miles?

No, it is the same as point two five miles

A boat travels due east for a distance of 15 miles It then travel due north for a distance of 20 miles at which point it drops anchor How many miles is the boat far from it's starting point?

25 miles

Omar drives a car five miles north then five miles west then five miles south How many miles is he likely to be from his starting point?

The obvious answer is 5 miles. The not-so-obvious part is it depends on where he is when he starts. If he is on the equator, he is five miles from his point of origin. If his starting point was the south pole, and he drives five miles north, then west, then south, he will arrive back at his starting point. Before you disagree, consider that he is driving on a sphere not a flat plain.

A boat travels due east for a distance of 15 miles it travels due north for a distance of 20 miles at which point it drops anchor how many milesis the boat from it?

A trick question! The boat is still quite close to the point where it dropped the anchor! ============================ The boat is approximately 25 miles from its starting point, and exactly zero miles from the point where the anchor was dropped.

It is 60 miles from point A to point B Assuming that you are traveling at an average speed of 15 miles per hour how long would it take to travel from point A to point B and then back to point A?

Well, the answer is quite simple, but I'm not going to give you the answer to your homework.Think of it this way, if you're traveling 15 miles per hour, how long will it take to travel 15 miles? The answer is obvious, 1 hour.So, all you must do now is divide 60 by 15, and you know how many hours it takes to travel from point A to point B. Then, all you have to do is double your answer to get how many hours it will take to travel from point A to point B, and then back to point A.

Related questions

What is a tyrant and why was it so important?

Tyrant originally just meant someone who rules by themselves, however during the time of the Roman Empire, the last tyrant of the old regime, Tarquinius Suberbus (Tarquin the Proud) changed the definition. He was very unpopular with the people, and was exiled because of it. From that moment, the people would despise anyone who even mentioned the word King, and the King was a tyrant. This is where the modern word with the attachments of negative connotations comes from. The second point depends on what exactly you define as important. Tyrants were certainly important for the Romans and previous civilisations. Until recently, the world was run by monarchs who were tyrants, as there was no input from anyone else; the King/Queen's word goes. This is important; the People have no say if there is a tyrant on the throne. If this is not what you meant, I apologise in advance, and request that you refine the question.

How did the leadership of tyrants help the development and creation of new governments such as democracies and oligarchies?

Several times in history, they became the focal point of revolutionary sparks. Take the American Revolution as just one example. I'm pretty sure that the British people (on the whole) did not agree with the American Colonists that King George was a tyrant. They supported the war against the colonial uprising. So 'the tyrant' became an example of what the colonists did NOT want.

What is a VTP cable?

VTP is Vertical Trading Point

What is point 5 miles plus point 5 miles?

1 mile

How far from the northernmost point of Ireland to his southernmost point in miles?

About 290 miles directly, or 345 miles by road.

How many miles it take to travel from point A to point B then from point B to point C then from point C to point D?

it takes N-miles from point A to Point B and so on and so on

What was the original name of Ten Mile Point Trading Post on Manitoulin Island Ontario?

AnswerTen Mile Point Restaurant and CabinsWhat was it called before this and what was it when it was first built ? Before it went to Ten Mile Point Trading Post , It was called Ten Mile Point Lodge , The question is and was , what was it originally ?

What is the approximate distance in miles from the northernmost point of the original 13 states to the southernmost point?

The approximate distance from the northernmost point of Maine to the southernmost point of Georgia is around 1,500 miles.

What is the purpose of the pivot point calculator?

A pivot point calculator is a tool used by traders to determine potential support and resistance levels in the financial markets. It calculates pivot points based on the previous trading period's high, low, and closing prices to help traders identify key levels that can inform their trading decisions.

Home many miles from Minneapolis Minnesota to Paris France?

4464.54 miles, point-to-point.

Is a quarter of a mile the same as point 2 miles?

No, it is the same as point two five miles

How many miles is Michigan from top to bottom?

Michigan is approximately 456 miles long from its northernmost point to its southernmost point.