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The definition is: "The rate of increased size per unit time".

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Q: What is the possible definition of the rate of growth?
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What is possible definition of the rate of growth?


What is a possible definition of the rate growth?

How much a population increases per unit time. The growth rate can also be expressed as growth per unit time divided by the population - for example, so-and-so much increase per year.

Definition of exponential growth?

the definition is when individuals in a reproduce at a constant rate

What as a possible definition of the rate of growth?

Generally it would be the change in the variable in question divided by the change in time over which it took place.

Population growth rate definition?

Population growth rate is the rate at which populations change in size over time as a fraction of the initial population. The formula used to measure growth rate is (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration).

What is the scientific definition of exponential growth?

Growth whose rate becomes even more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or size.

What is the result if mitosis occurs at an abnormal rate?

This is the definition of cancer. It will produce a large growth with uncontrolled activity.

What is the definition of dependency rate dependency rate?

The dependency rate is a demographic indicator that measures the ratio of dependent individuals (such as children and the elderly) to the working-age population within a given society. It helps to illustrate the level of support that the working population must provide for dependents.

What is a definition for Urban Growth?

Urban growth is the rate of growth of an urban population. It is different to urbanization which is the process by which there is an increase in proportion of a population living in places classified as urban: the movement from a rural to urban area.

What is the definition of high growth venture?

A high growth venture is one that achieves more than 50% growth rate annually. A middle growth enterprise is one that achieves more than 20% but less than 50% growth rate annually. A lifestyle enterprise is one that achieves less than 20% annual growth. (Source:

What is ment by exponential growth?

Growth whose rate becomes ever more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or sizeExponential growth occurs when the growth rate of the value of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value. Exponential decay occurs in the same way when the growth rate is negative. In the case of a discrete domain of definition with equal intervals it is also called geometric growth or geometric decay (the function values form a geometric progression).

What is supernormal growth rate?

super normal growth rate is that growth rate which is not constant growth rate. it is flexible growth rate. it means some years or period growth rate is higher than other period. when it is gone constant growth rate certain period and than changed the growth rate, it is called super normal growth rate. some example, we can take here. company x has expected dividend per share is Rs 10. its growth rate is 5 % per year, for next 3 years. and than its growth rate should be changed 10 %. it is the example of super normal growth rate. here, first 3 years has normal growth rate is constant 5% and than it is change by increasing to 10%. here super normal growth rate is start from end of year 3.