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Q: What is the possible out come of canned beans that are packed in 3 sizes and 7 varieties?
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Related questions

Why are baked beans packed in tins?

Tinning or canning goods preserves the good for longer (it is sterile and keeps the air out). It also allows the good to not need to be stored in a refrigerated environment. These are the main reasons that canned foods are canned, including baked beans.

How much starch is in greenbeans?

Green beans contain about 5-7% starch by weight, depending on the variety and maturity of the beans. Starch content is typically higher in fresh green beans compared to canned or frozen varieties.

How long do green beans last after canning them.?

Green beans can be safely canned in the home using a pressure canner, as the beans are low in acid. The raw or hot packed method can be used. Experts say that if done properly, canned green beans can be stored for up to five years if kept in a cool, dry location. Frozen green beans on the other hand, should be used within a year.

Are canned bake beans made from soy products?

No, canned bake beans are made with beans. Soy is also made from beans, but a different type.

What foods are canned?

Beans and spam and stuff like that... Many many foods are canned, as it is a method to preserve and ship a food. Everything from fruits (ex: canned peaches) and vegetables (canned tomatoes), to meats (canned ham) and seafood (canned tuna fish); even dairy (canned milk).

Are beans vegetarian?

Yes, all beans are vegetarian; however, one needs to be careful when buying canned or otherwise processed beans, as many canned beans are prepared with pork and other meat products.

Can you freeze leftover canned beans?

Leftover canned beans could be frozen, but the texture could become mushy and be unappetizing when thawed and/or reheated.

What varieties of beans grow well in northern Kentucky?

Kentuky Beans

Can you add baking soda to canned beans?

One could add baking soda to canned beans, but it is impossible to imagine why one would do so.

What are the Pale green beans used in succotash?

Lima beans. You can buy them canned or frozen.

What can you make with canned potatoes and green beans?

a salad

Can you eat canned kidney beans that have expired?

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