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Q: What is the power of a bulb that uses 3 jolts every 10 seconds?
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How much work does a 100-watt light bulb do when it is lit for 30 seconds?

The work done by a 100-watt light bulb when lit for 30 seconds can be calculated using the formula work = power x time. Power = 100 watts, Time = 30 seconds. Work = 100 watts × 30 seconds = 3000 joules.

How much power in watts will an led bulb consume if its energy is 6 joules?

Joules (energy) are not equivalent to Watts (power).If something converts 6 Joules every second, it is 6 Watts. If it takes ten seconds to convert 6 Joules, its power is 0.6 Watts.Multiply the Watts by the seconds to find the Joules.CommentYou do not 'consume' power. Power is simply a rate; you cannot consume a rate! You consume energy; the rate at which you consume it is power.

What is the Electrical power for a lightbulb?

The power rating for a light bulb (like "40 W") tells how much electrical power the light bulb uses. All of the power used by the bulb is either converted into light or heat. In an incandescent bulb, most of the energy becomes heat. In a fluorescent bulb, more of it becomes light.

How much energy do you save with 10 light bulbs off?

That depends on the power used by each light bulb. Look at the specifications for a specific light bulb, then multiply the power by 10. Note that energy = power x time; that is to say, the energy spent by a light bulb depends on its power, but also on how long you keep it on. Specifically, watts = joules x seconds.

What are some applications for parallel circuits?

Wiring for power in buildings is in parallel. If it was in series every time a light or power switch was turned off, the entire building would be turned off. This can be seen with Christmas tree lights when one bulb blows every bulb goes out.

How much energy does a 100-w light bulb use in 10 s?

Power = energy / time, in SI units: watts = joules / seconds. Solving for energy: Joules = watts x seconds.

60-watt light bulb in jouls?

To calculate the energy used by a 60-watt light bulb in joules, you need to convert the power (watts) to energy (joules). First, convert watts to joules per second (1 watt = 1 joule/second), then multiply by the time the light bulb is on. So, for example, if the light bulb is on for 1 hour (3600 seconds), the energy used would be 60 watts * 3600 seconds = 216,000 joules.

What is the power of a light bulb?

The power of a light bulb is typically measured in watts and indicates how much energy the bulb consumes. A higher wattage bulb will produce more light but also consume more energy. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and have lower power consumption compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.

How many months can an average lightning flash power a 100 watt light bulb?

The energy in a flash can be estimated from the voltage, current and time. If it's 10 million volts and 100,000 amps that is 1012 watts, and if it lasts for 10 microseconds (10-5 seconds) the energy would be 107 Joules, which would power a 100 w bulb for 105 seconds, or 28 hours.

What is the number of joules a 100 Watt bulb transfers in 10 seconds?

The energy transferred by a 100 Watt bulb in 10 seconds can be calculated using the formula: Energy (joules) = Power (Watts) x Time (seconds). Plugging in the values, the calculation would be 100 Watts x 10 seconds = 1000 joules.

How many Joules of electrical energy does a 100 Watt light bulb consume from the electrical supply in 2 seconds?

In 2 seconds, a 100 Watt light bulb consumes 200 Joules of electrical energy from the electrical supply (100 Watts * 2 seconds = 200 Joules).

What is the power rating of lights?

The power rating of the bulb indicates how much power it uses. The power in watts indicates how much energy in Joules the bulb uses in one second. A bulb should have its voltage and power printed on it.