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There are several, of which endeca- and hendeca- are more common. However, most mathematicians who wish to communicate rather than be pretentious will refer to an 11-gon or 11-hedron rather than use the prefices.

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Q: What is the prefix for denoting eleven?
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What is the prefix for eleven?

The prefix for eleven is "eleven" itself. In the English language, the prefix typically comes before a word to modify its meaning or create a new word. In the case of "eleven," the prefix "ele-" comes from the Old English word "endleofan," which means "one left" after counting to ten.

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The metric prefix denoting 1000x is "kilo-". It is represented by the symbol "k" and is used to indicate a factor of 1000 in the International System of Units (SI).

What prefix means eleven?

It is hendeca. A hendecagon is an eleven-sided polygon. Hendeca literally means one [hen] and ten [deca].

Words that start with the prefix hend that have to do with 11?

A hendecagon is an eleven sided shape. Is that what you meant?Hendeca is the Greek word for eleven.

What does the prefix hendeca mean?

it means eleven

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