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It is necessary to have a value for the time.

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Q: What is the present value of 200 if the investment rate is 6 percent?
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What is the meaning of the term net present value?

Net Present Value (NPV) means the difference between the present value of the future cash flows from an investment and the amount of investment.Present value of the expected cash flows is computed by discounting them at the required rate of return. For example, an investment of $1,000 today at 10 percent will yield $1,100 at the end of the year; therefore, the present value of $1,100 at the desired rate of return (10 percent) is $1,000. The amount of investment ($1,000 in this example) is deducted from this figure to arrive at net present value which here is zero ($1,000-$1,000).A zero net present value means the project repays original investment plus the required rate of return. A positive net present value means a better return, and a negative net present value means a worse return.

What is pv in excell?

The PV function is a financial function. It is used to return the present value of an investment based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The syntax is a follows: PV( rate, number_payments, payment, [FV], [Type] ) Rate is the interest rate for the investment. Number_payments is the number of payments for the annuity. Payment is the amount of the payment made each period. If it is omitted, you have to enter a FV value. FV is optional. It is the future value of the payments. If it is omitted, it is assumed to be 0. Type is optional. It indicates when the payments are due. Type can be one of the following values: 0 for when payments are due at the end of the period, which is the default. 1 for when payments are due at the start of the period. If the Type parameter is left out, the PV function sets the Type value to 0.

If the interest rate is 4 percent what is the present value of this stream of payments?

Present value of streams can be found by dividing the streams with 4 percent interest rate for example if stream is 100 then present value will be present value = 100 / .04

If an investment project has a positive net present value then the internal rate of return is?

Positive present value indicates a successful investment. In terms of rate of return, a positive present value basically indicates that returns will be higher than the specified rate of return. Zero present values mean returns will meet your specified rate exactly. Negative present values mean returns will be less than required.

What is the present value of 500 to be received 10 yrs from today if it is discount at the rate of 6 percent?

What is the present value of 500 to be recieved 10 yrs from today if it is discount at the rate of 6 percent?

What is the present value of an investment if its future value is 10000 for 6 years?

$7,903.50 if the intrest rate is 4% (A high bank intrest rate percentage)

When using the net present value method for evaluating an investment an increase in the required rate of return will?

The increase in rate of return will make the investment more difficult to be accepted.

A method of evaluating capital investment proposals that ignore present value?

internal rate of return

Method of evaluating capital investment proposals that ignore present value?

internal rate of return

What method of evaluating capital investment proposals uses the concept of present value to compute rate of return?

The method that uses the concept of present value to compute rate of return is called the Net Present Value (NPV) method. In this method, the cash inflows and outflows of a capital investment proposal are discounted to their present value using a discount rate. The NPV is then calculated by subtracting the initial investment from the present value of the cash flows. A positive NPV indicates a profitable investment, while a negative NPV suggests an unprofitable investment.

What is a capital investment's net present value?

Widely used approach for evaluating an investment project. Under the net present value method, the present value (PV) of all cash inflows from the project is compared against the initial investment (I). The net-present-valuewhich is the difference between the present value and the initial investment (i.e., NPV = PV - I ), determines whether the project is an acceptable investment. To compute the present value of cash inflows, a rate called the cost-of-capitalis used for discounting. Under the method, if the net present value is positive (NPV > 0 or PV > I ), the project should be accepted.

How long does it take for an investment to triple in value at the interest rate of 12 percent compoundded monthly?

9.2 yrs