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Q: What is the present value of a 500 payment in one year when the discount rate is 10 percent?
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what is present value of a single payment of 24,000 at 6 percent for 12 years

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i think the present of 700 is 700%

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the net present value as determined by normal discount rate is 10%

To increase a given present value the discount rate should be adjusted?

To increase a given present value, you would generally lower the discount rate. This is because a lower discount rate reduces the impact of future cash flows, making the present value higher. Conversely, increasing the discount rate would decrease the present value.

As the discount rate becomes higher and higher the present value of inflows approaches what?

As, the present value of future cash flows is determined by the discount rate, so increase or decrease in the discount rate will affect the present value. Discount rate is simply cost or the expense to the company,so in simplest terms, discount rate goes up, cost goes up,so this will lower the present value of cash flows. Assumes a discount rate of 5%,to discount $100 in one years time: Present Value=$100 * 1/(1.05) =$95.24 Ok,as you say,if the discount rate becomes higher,let's say 8%: Present Value=$100 * 1/(1.08) =$92.6 so, the higher the discount rate, the lower the present value.

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The discount value is $11.99 and the sale price is $67.99

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Present value of tax saving = 5 million * 0.34 / 1.1 Present value = 1700000 / 1.1 Present value = 1545455

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What is pv in excell?

The PV function is a financial function. It is used to return the present value of an investment based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The syntax is a follows: PV( rate, number_payments, payment, [FV], [Type] ) Rate is the interest rate for the investment. Number_payments is the number of payments for the annuity. Payment is the amount of the payment made each period. If it is omitted, you have to enter a FV value. FV is optional. It is the future value of the payments. If it is omitted, it is assumed to be 0. Type is optional. It indicates when the payments are due. Type can be one of the following values: 0 for when payments are due at the end of the period, which is the default. 1 for when payments are due at the start of the period. If the Type parameter is left out, the PV function sets the Type value to 0.

What is the inerest rate if the government perpetuity pays 4 a year and is selling for 48?

The interest rate is 8 1/3 because Present Value = Payment/Interest rate Present Value = 48 Payment is 4 Interest Rate = Payment/Present Value = 4/48 = 8.33%

What does discount mean?

Testimony that is not believed for some reason.