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Q: What is the pressure exerted by a water bed with dimensions of m x m which is 30 cm thick?
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Why do submarines have thick glass in their windows?

Because of the high pressure that is exerted from the water on the window. According to the movie Titanic, at about 4 km ~ 2.5 miles, the pressure exerted by the water on the window almost equal 3.5 tons/in^2. Therefore, a window of thickness 9 inches are used.

Why is pressure exerted from all directions in water?

Pressure in water is exerted from all directions because water molecules are constantly colliding with each other due to their random motion. This leads to pressure being evenly distributed in all directions within the water.

What is the difference between atmosphere pressure and water pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above a given point, while water pressure is the force exerted by water on an object or surface due to the depth of the water. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, while water pressure increases with depth.

What is the pressure exerted by the water bed with dimension of 2 m 2 m which is 30 cm thick?

To calculate the pressure exerted by the water bed, we need to first convert the thickness to meters (30 cm = 0.3 m). The pressure exerted by the water bed is equal to the weight of the water above a unit area on the bottom surface. So, the pressure will be the weight of the water (density of water x volume of water) divided by the area of the bottom surface.

The pressure exerted by water moving during osmosis is called pressure?

The pressure exerted by water moving during osmosis is called osmotic pressure. It is the pressure that must be applied to a solution to prevent the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane.

What is the pressure exerted by water during osmosis called?

TonicI think. :PThe pressure exerted by water moving during osmosis is called the osmotic pressure. It is dependent on molar concentration and absolute temperature.

Air weighs less than water would you expect the pressure exerted by water to be greater or less than the pressure exerted by the same amount of air?

water is more dense than air and it has at

Would you expect the the pressure exerted by water to be greater or less than the pressure exerted by the same amount of air?

The pressure exerted by water would be greater than the pressure exerted by the same amount of air due to water's higher density. Water molecules are packed closely together, leading to more collisions with the walls of the container and thus a higher pressure compared to air molecules.

What is the pressure exerted by water moving during osmosis called?

The pressure exerted by water moving during osmosis is called osmotic pressure. It is the force necessary to prevent the net flow of water across a semipermeable membrane due to a concentration difference.

What Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is what type of pressure?

Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is called hydrostatic pressure. This type of pressure is exerted by fluids, such as water or air, due to the weight of the fluid pressing down on an object.

What is the scientific term for water pressure?

The scientific term for water pressure is hydrostatic pressure, which is the force exerted by a fluid due to its weight and depth. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid, caused by the force of gravity.

Would expect pressure exerted by water to be greater or less than the pressure exerted by the same amount of mercury?

if you were to immerse yourself under a meter of mercury the pressure experienced would be greater than if you were to immerse yourself under a meter of water.