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Q: What is the price of a certain type of wine depends on its age described by the function price(age) what can be said about this function check all that apply.?
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The function "Height sun" is likely a positive relationship, meaning that as the amount of sun per year increases, the height of the tree also increases. However, other factors can also influence tree growth, so it may not be the only determinant of tree height. The function can provide valuable information for predicting and understanding tree growth patterns in varying levels of sun exposure.

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What is the function of minus in Microsoft Excel?

depends on what context you mean it. if you want to deduct a certain cell value from the other cell value then minus sign will do just that.

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Is a sine wave a symmetrical waveform?

Since a sine wave is described by the trigonometric sin(x) function, which is symmetrical, the sine wave is also symmetrical, unless there is a DC bias, in which case it is not. (It depends on your definition of symmetry)

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It depends on the function.

How do you get to the function on a TI calculator?

This depends on what function, and what TI calculator.