very nominal (a couple of dollars) - but the exact price would depend on where you live
marked price/original price =15,737.5
Subtract the sales price from the actual price!
The gross price is the basic price. Adjust for any discuont, add any relevant taxes and you get the net price.
Original price is the first price marked on an item before being changed to the new price
Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price.Cost price (C.P.): price on which an item is purchased.Selling price (S.P.): price on which an item is sold.Profit: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them is the profit incurred. Selling Price (SP) > Cost Price (CP) → ProfitLoss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss incurred. Selling Price (SP) < Cost Price (CP) → Loss
Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price Kenny price
Ex-stock price is that price which is immediately deliverable at that price and not price qouted is for stock price of item.
is a quoted price afixed price
Price less Discount = Discounted price/Reduced price/Sale price.
A price fluctuation is a change in the price market.
no discounted price is the price after some money has been taken off the sale price for a sale etc. but sale price is the original price
The gross price would be the price before deductions. The net price is after deductions.
Amy Price
Real price is in a mud nominal price is in your FACE
Gross price-expenses=net price
The core price is a form of deposit that the customer pays until the old parts are returned, while sell price is the price offered for sale. Lastly, the list price which is simply the starting price or suggested retail price.
When the market price is lower than the equilibrium price the price of the product will continue to rise. The price will rise until it equal the equilibrium price.