3 x 23 = 69
69 = 3 x 23
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a prime factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 13/69 is already expressed in its simplest form.
It's not necessary. Since 69 is a factor of 207, it is automatically the GCF. But if you insist... 69 3,23 207 3,69 3,3,23 Select the common factors. 3 x 23 = 69, the GCF.
There can only be one LEAST Common Multiple. Since the three numbers are co-prime, their LCM is the same as their product, that is, LCM(4, 37, 69) = 4 * 37 * 69 = 10,212 [Two numbers are co-prime if they have no factor in common. The numbers, themselves, need not be prime.]
3 x 23 = 69
69 = 3 x 23
The largest prime factor of 35 is 7 and its other prime factor is 5
Well, honey, to make a factor tree for 69, you'll need to break it down into its prime factors. 69 can be broken down into 3 and 23, which are both prime numbers. So, the factor tree for 69 would have 3 and 23 as its branches. Hope that clears things up for ya!
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a prime factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 13/69 is already expressed in its simplest form.
Factor it. If it has more than two factors (it has) it is composite.
There is not a greatest common factor of a single number, such as 69, because there cannot be a greatest common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers being compared have in common. The factors of 69 are 1, 3, 23, and 69. The prime factors of 69 are 3 and 23. The prime factorization of 69 is 3 x 23. Examples: The greatest common factor of 51 and 69 is 3. The greatest common factor of 32 and 69 is 1. The greatest common factor of 69 and 115 is 23. You need at least two numbers to find a GCF. If that's 6 and 9, the GCF is 3.
You cant have a GCF for one number. That would be the number itself. So the GCF of 3 and 69 would be 3, but the GCF of 69 is just 69
there is not because 11 is prime, meaning only 1 factor, 11x1
It's not necessary. Since 69 is a factor of 207, it is automatically the GCF. But if you insist... 69 3,23 207 3,69 3,3,23 Select the common factors. 3 x 23 = 69, the GCF.
There can only be one LEAST Common Multiple. Since the three numbers are co-prime, their LCM is the same as their product, that is, LCM(4, 37, 69) = 4 * 37 * 69 = 10,212 [Two numbers are co-prime if they have no factor in common. The numbers, themselves, need not be prime.]
The prime factors of 69 are: 3, 23