No, 3x5x4 is not a prime factorization of 60. A prime factorization of 60 would consist of only prime numbers. The prime factorization of 60 is 2x2x3x5.
When all the factors are prime numbers, that's a prime factorization.
Prime factorization!
There is no need to do prime factorization as prime numbers are already prime.
the prime factorization of 2x2x13x17 is 884
2 x 5 x 23 = 230
2 x 5 x 23 = 230
230 = 2 x 5 x 23
230 115,2 23,5,2 2 x 5 x 23 = 230
Exponents are not needed. 230 = 2 * 5 * 23
230 / 2 = 115 115 / 5 = 23 so the prime fact. is 2 x 5 x 23
2^1*5^1*23^1= 230 We can divide 230 to 2, 3, and 23. We cannot divide more from this because they are already all prime numbers!
No, 3x5x4 is not a prime factorization of 60. A prime factorization of 60 would consist of only prime numbers. The prime factorization of 60 is 2x2x3x5.
When all the factors are prime numbers, that's a prime factorization.