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Q: What is the probability for each genotype?
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What is the probability of genotypes and phenotypes?

What is the probability that any of the offspring between individuals with the genotype AABbCcddEE will have the genotype AABBCCddEE

What is the probability of a man who has BB genotype and his wife who has BO genotype to have a child who is AB?

No probability. Neither parent has an "A" for the child to inherit to make an "AB".

What are the probability genotype of the parents?

ww ww

What is the percent probability that one child of a mother with the genotype AAA and a father with the genotype AAA will have the genotype AAA?

50% AA and 50% Aa

What is the probability that the offspring will inherit a PP genotype?

If one parent has a PP genotype, the offspring will inherit the P allele from that parent. Therefore, the probability of the offspring inheriting a PP genotype is 1.

What did Darwin meant by fitness?

The relative probability of survival and reproduction for a genotype.

What is the probability that certain genotypes and phenotypes will occur?

This depends entirely on the genotype of the parents. The probability of getting a specific genotype is the probability of getting the correct allele from mother (1/2) multiplied by the probability of getting the correct allele from father (1/2) multiplied by the number of ways this can occur. The probability of getting a phenotype, if the phenotype is dominant, is the sum of the probability of getting two dominant alleles, and the probability of getting one dominant allele. If the phenotype is recessive, the probability is equal to the probability of getting two recessive alleles.

What do we call the table used to calculate the probability of an offsprings genotype?

It is called a punnet square.

What is probability how does probability relate to genetics?

Probability is what chance something has to happen. The Punnett Square is a way how to predict in genetics how likely an offspring is to have a trait passed on from parents, or in other words find out the probability of a trait being in the phenotype or the genotype.

What is the probability of a smooth phenotype?

The probability of a smooth phenotype can vary depending on the genetic factors involved. In some cases, it may be determined by a single gene with two possible alleles, producing a 50% chance of a smooth phenotype. In other cases with multiple genes or environmental factors, the probability can be more complex to determine.

Used to determine the probability of having specific offspring from two known parents?

Genotype is used to determine the probability of having specific offspring from two known parents.

What fraction of the offspring of parents each with the genotype KkLlMm will be KKLlMm?

What fraction of the offspring of parents each with the genotype KkLlMm will be KKLlMm?