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Q: What is the probability of a double sampling plan on the combined samples of two sampling plans?
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What is the ideal sampling frequency?

Not less than double the highest frequency component of the signal you're sampling.

What are 3 probabilities of getting heads when you flip a quarter?

There is the probability of 1/2 if it is a fair coin. There is the probability of 1 if it is a double-headed coin. There is the probability of 0 if it is a double-tailed coin.

What is the difference between double sampling and multiphase sampling?

DOUBLE SAMPLINGDefinition:A standard form of sample design for industrial inspection purposes. In accordance with the characteristics of a particular plan, two samples are drawn, n1 and n2, and the first sample inspected. The batch can then be accepted or rejected upon the results of this inspection or the second sample be inspected and the decision made upon the combined result.Context:The term has also been used somewhat loosely for what is called multi-phase sampling and the two-stage version of multi-stage sampling. There is a further usage whereby a first sample provides a preliminary estimate of design parameters which govern the size of the second sample to achieve a desired overall result.MULTI-PHASE SAMPLINGDefinition:It is sometimes convenient and economical to collect certain items of information from the whole of the units of a sample and other items of usually more detailed information from a sub-sample of the units constituting the original sample. This may be termed two-phase sampling, e.g. if the collection of information concerning variate, y, is relatively expensive, and there exists some other variate, x, correlated with it, which is relatively cheap to investigate, it may be profitable to carry out sampling in two phases.At the first phase, x is investigated, and the information thus obtained is used either (a) to stratify the population at the second phase, when y is investigated, or (b) as supplementary information at the second phase, a ratio or regression estimate being used.Two-phase sampling is sometimes called "double sampling".Context:Further phases may be added if desired. It may be noted, however, that multiphase sampling does not necessarily imply the use of any relationships between variates x and y. The expression is not to be confused with multi-stage sampling.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 27?

The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.

If two fair dices are thrown what is the probability of a double 6?


Related questions

What is the difference between two phase and double sampling?

Two-phase sampling involves selecting initial units from a population through one sampling technique and subsequently selecting final units from the initially drawn units using a different sampling technique. Double sampling, on the other hand, involves selecting two independent samples from the same population, where the second sample is used to check the results of the first sample and make adjustments if needed.

What is the ideal sampling frequency?

Not less than double the highest frequency component of the signal you're sampling.

What is sampling rate in sound?

The sampling rate is the number of samples taken from a continuous signal over a period of time (typically measured per second - Sa/s or Samples per Second). The Nyquist - Shannon Sample Theorem states that a sample rate should be double the highest recorded frequency. Since the range of human hearing is 20Hz - 20,000 Hz, the minimum sample rate should be 40,000 Hz. CD format sample rates are 44.1kHz for this reason as well as other technical reasons.

What are 3 probabilities of getting heads when you flip a quarter?

There is the probability of 1/2 if it is a fair coin. There is the probability of 1 if it is a double-headed coin. There is the probability of 0 if it is a double-tailed coin.

What is the difference between double sampling and multiphase sampling?

DOUBLE SAMPLINGDefinition:A standard form of sample design for industrial inspection purposes. In accordance with the characteristics of a particular plan, two samples are drawn, n1 and n2, and the first sample inspected. The batch can then be accepted or rejected upon the results of this inspection or the second sample be inspected and the decision made upon the combined result.Context:The term has also been used somewhat loosely for what is called multi-phase sampling and the two-stage version of multi-stage sampling. There is a further usage whereby a first sample provides a preliminary estimate of design parameters which govern the size of the second sample to achieve a desired overall result.MULTI-PHASE SAMPLINGDefinition:It is sometimes convenient and economical to collect certain items of information from the whole of the units of a sample and other items of usually more detailed information from a sub-sample of the units constituting the original sample. This may be termed two-phase sampling, e.g. if the collection of information concerning variate, y, is relatively expensive, and there exists some other variate, x, correlated with it, which is relatively cheap to investigate, it may be profitable to carry out sampling in two phases.At the first phase, x is investigated, and the information thus obtained is used either (a) to stratify the population at the second phase, when y is investigated, or (b) as supplementary information at the second phase, a ratio or regression estimate being used.Two-phase sampling is sometimes called "double sampling".Context:Further phases may be added if desired. It may be noted, however, that multiphase sampling does not necessarily imply the use of any relationships between variates x and y. The expression is not to be confused with multi-stage sampling.

What is the probability that you will get a double if you have a two number cubes?

It is 1/6.

Why do audio CDs have a frequency of 44.1 KHz if people can only hear up to 20 KHz?

The 44.1KHz frequency is the frquency of the 'sampling rate' With digital audio the original analog signal has to be 'sampled' ie measured. These samples measure the amplitude (strength) of the signal at that particular point in time. Since the analogue signal is constantly changing the sampling must be done continuously. The sampling rate must ALWAYS be higher than the highest frequency of the source signal, (otherwise it cant be measured). There was a bloke called Nyquist who postulated that the sample rate must be at minimum twice the highest frequency of the sample. This has been accepted as common practice now. This is where we get 44K (ie 44,000 measurements or samples per second), which is about double the 20K audio source.

What is a double-bar graph used for?

Comparing 2 different item samples.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 27?

The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, whether or not they are fai, how the numbers thrown are combined. For example, in backgammon, a double allows you to move four times the value shown.

What is the relationship between sampling rates and frequency of the modulating signal when using pulse modulation?

The sampling rate must be at least double the highest frequency component of the modulating signal in order to avoid frequency aliasing.

How do you word a sentence using double pan balance?

Assayers often used a double pan balance to weigh gold samples.

If two fair dices are thrown what is the probability of a double 6?
