hmmm...check this out: #houses in city X #citys in province/state X # provinces in country X #countrys in hte world. the answer is the probability X equals times (as in math.).
The probability of being dealt a full house in poker is 3744/2,598,960 or 1 in 694. The probability of moving up from a full house in poker is 4/47. Check with
1/2. There is an equal chance of the coin falling head up or tail up.
A 1 out of 5 chance, or 20%
In all likelihood the probability is 0. Some people will choose their date or year of birth, some their house number.
A falling star is called a meteor. When a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere and survives the journey to reach the ground, it is then termed a meteorite.
An adjective.
The probability of December 3 falling on a Friday is 1/7.
A "shooting star" or a "falling star".
a meteor shower
Falling Star
There are no "falling stars". The phenomena we call a "falling star" is actually a meteor burning up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere.
The main force acting on a falling meteor through the Earth's atmosphere is gravity. Gravity pulls the meteor downward towards the Earth's surface, causing it to accelerate as it falls. Air resistance also plays a role in slowing down the meteor's descent as it interacts with the atmosphere.
A meteor is often called a 'shooting star' or 'falling star', after its appearance as a momentary streak of light in the night sky.
A falling star or meteor is a fragment of rock in orbit round the Sun, which happens to be intercepted by the Earth's atmosphere. At some point the Earth's gravity takes over and captures the meteor, and the meteor falls at high speed. Most meteors burn out before reaching the ground.
A falling star is in fact a meteor, which is a small piece of dirt or dust that is burning up in our atmosphere.
"Meteor". The terms "falling star" or "shooting star" were once fairly common, but these have been less used in the last few decades.