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Q: What is the probability of getting a jack?
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Probability of getting a jack and then an eight?

the answer is 2/13

What is the probability of getting one-eye jack?

There are two one-eye jacks in a standard deck of 52 cards. So the probability of getting one is 2/52 = 1/26

Single card is drawn from an ordinary 52-card deck Find the probability of getting a heart and a jack?


What is the probability of drawing the jack of spreads?

The probability is 0, since there is no such card!

What is the probability that certain genotypes and phenotypes will occur?

This depends entirely on the genotype of the parents. The probability of getting a specific genotype is the probability of getting the correct allele from mother (1/2) multiplied by the probability of getting the correct allele from father (1/2) multiplied by the number of ways this can occur. The probability of getting a phenotype, if the phenotype is dominant, is the sum of the probability of getting two dominant alleles, and the probability of getting one dominant allele. If the phenotype is recessive, the probability is equal to the probability of getting two recessive alleles.

A card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards It is then replaced and a second card is chosen What is the probability of getting a jack and then a eight?

The probability is (4/52) * (4/52) = 1/169 = 0.0059, approx.

What is the probability of getting kidnapped?

There is no probability. Sorry.

When a card is drawn what is the probability of getting A jack A4 a card less than 6?

There are 4 jacks in a pack of cards. There are 52 cards in a deck, so the probability of getting a jack is 4/52. This can be simplified to 1/13. There are also four 4s in a deck, so the probability of drawing a 4 is also 1/13. The probability of drawing a card less than six is the probabilities for drawing a 5, a 4, a 3, a 2, and an ace all added up. This is 5/13.

What is the probability of getting a queen and a heart?

The probability of getting the queen of hearts is 1 in 52, or about 0.01923. The probability of getting any queen is 4 in 52, or about 0.07692. The probability of getting any heart is 13 in 52, or exactly 0.25.

What is the probability of getting court card?

The probability of drawing a court card (a jack, queen, or king) from a standard deck of 52 cards is 12 in 52, or 3 in 13, or about 0.2308. If you count the ace as a court card, then the probability is 16 in 52, or 4 in 13, or about 0.3077.

What is probability you will pull a spade if you've already pulled a jack?

Since you didn't specify the suit of the jack, there are two possible answers. If the jack was a spade, the probability of drawing another spade is 12/51 or 23.5%. If the jack was NOT a spade, the probability of drawing a spade is 13/52 or 25%.

What is the probability of not getting 175.3?

The probability is likely to be 1.