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Q: What is the probability of getting a number less than 3 tosses of a single die?
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Related questions

When tossing a fair coin the probability of getting three heads in a row is?

In a large enough number of tosses, it is a certainty (probability = 1). In only the first three tosses, it is (0.5)3 = 0.125

What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

What is the probability of getting no tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability is 1/4

What is the probability of getting three sixes in five tosses of a die?

The probability is 0.0322

What is the probability of getting 3 heads from 4 coin tosses?

The probability is 1 out of 5

What is the probability of getting zero tails on a two tosses?


How would you describe the pattern in probability of getting all heads as the number of coin tosses increases?

If the coin is fair, the probability of getting all heads will decrease exponentially towards 0.

What is the probability of getting 2 heads on all 3 tosses?

The probability is 0, since there will be some 3-tosses in which you get 0, 1 or 3 heads. So not all 3-tosses will give 2 heads.

What is the probability of getting only heads on the two tosses?


What is the probability of getting a head and tail in a toss of coin?

In a single toss? zero. In two tosses, well that's a different question. Possible combinations are TT, HT, TH and HH, of which 2 of the 4 are one head and one tail. So probability is 0.50 in two tosses.

What is the probability of getting exactly two heads in three coin tosses?


What is the probability of getting 2 heads in 3 coin tosses?

It is 3/8.