

Best Answer
The probability of getting a head first time is one out of two, or a half.
The probability of getting a head the next time is still one out of two, so the combined probability is one quarter. Similarly, one eighth is the probability of getting three in a row; but the pattern does not end there, the probability of getting a tails the next time is STILL one in two, so that is a one in sixteen chance of that run, the probability of the entire sequence is therefore one in thirty-two.
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Q: What is the probability of getting a run of three consecutive heads before a run of two consecutive tails when tossing a fair coin over and over?
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What is the probability of tossing a single coin and getting 2 heads before you get 3 tails?

5 independent events, each of them with a probability of 1/2; you need to multiply all together, so you get (1/2) to the power 5.Note: any other specific combination you can get when throwing a coin 5 times - for example, head, tails, head, tails, head - will have the same probability.

Probability of getting married and having children?

A man has an 81 percent chance to get married if they live the United States before the age of 40. A woman has an 86 percent chance of getting married.

What is the formula for consecutive numbers?

x-1 and x+1 are consecutive to x, the first before it and the second after it.

What is the theoretical probability of tossing a coin?

That's a very complicated calculation, since it depends on so many variables that are difficult to evaluate or quantify. A few of the factors that would influence it are: -- whether or not you have a decision to make; -- how you go about considering the pros and cons, and exactly when you decide to leave the decision to chance, and to abide by the chance outcome; -- whether or not you have access to a coin at that moment; You would need to define your question a little more precisely before it would be possible to estimate an answer. For example, "what is the theoretical probability that any person anywhere on earth tosses a coin within the next one million years?" would give a very different estimated answer than if you asked, "what is the probability that a certain defined person tosses a coin within a defined five minute time span?" Or your question could be interpreted as to mean, "What are the possible outcomes when tossing a coin, and what is the theoretical probability of each outcome?"

What are the consecutive numbers for 4422?

4421 comes before 4422, which comes before 4423.

Related questions

What is probability of tossing 10 more tails in a row?

With an honest coin, the probability of tossing 10 consecutive tails is(1/2)10 = (1/1024) = 0.0009766 = 0.09766 percent(rounded)regardless of what may have happened before.

What is the probability of tossing a single coin and getting 2 heads before you get 3 tails?

5 independent events, each of them with a probability of 1/2; you need to multiply all together, so you get (1/2) to the power 5.Note: any other specific combination you can get when throwing a coin 5 times - for example, head, tails, head, tails, head - will have the same probability.

What is prior probability?

Prior probability is the probability that is assessed before reference is made to relevant observations.

Probability of getting married and having children?

A man has an 81 percent chance to get married if they live the United States before the age of 40. A woman has an 86 percent chance of getting married.

What would be the experimental probability of rolling a die 50 times and getting 4?

The experimental probability can't be predicted. If it could, then there wouldn't be any reason to do experiments. The probability of rolling a die 50 times depends on how passionately you want to see what's going to happen if you do. There are six different ways a single die can come up on each roll. So the probability of rolling any particular number between 1 and 6 on each roll is 1/6 or (16 and 2/3) percent. If it isn't, then the die isn't a fair die. The die has no memory, so the probability of any particular number is the same on every roll, even if the same number has or hasn't come up on the previous 100 or 1,000 consecutive rolls. If the probability of any outcome depends on what has come before, then the laws of probability aren't operating, and it's not an honest game.

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The bull is not weakened before it enters the ring. Once in the ring the picadores will try to weaken the tossing muscle some so that the bull concentrates its charge more and is not so prone to tossing its head.

What is the formula for consecutive numbers?

x-1 and x+1 are consecutive to x, the first before it and the second after it.

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Most bowlers thake 3-5 steps before throwing the ball.

What is the theoretical probability of tossing a coin?

That's a very complicated calculation, since it depends on so many variables that are difficult to evaluate or quantify. A few of the factors that would influence it are: -- whether or not you have a decision to make; -- how you go about considering the pros and cons, and exactly when you decide to leave the decision to chance, and to abide by the chance outcome; -- whether or not you have access to a coin at that moment; You would need to define your question a little more precisely before it would be possible to estimate an answer. For example, "what is the theoretical probability that any person anywhere on earth tosses a coin within the next one million years?" would give a very different estimated answer than if you asked, "what is the probability that a certain defined person tosses a coin within a defined five minute time span?" Or your question could be interpreted as to mean, "What are the possible outcomes when tossing a coin, and what is the theoretical probability of each outcome?"

What is the adjective form of tosses?

The adjective forms for the verb to 'toss' are the present participle, tossing (The tossing sessions have strengthened my wrist.), and the past participle, tossed(The tossed confetti and streamers were cleaned up by maintenance before dawn.).

What are the consecutive numbers for 4422?

4421 comes before 4422, which comes before 4423.

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The difference of two consecutive odd numbers is always two. Whether it is before 235 or after is irrelevant.