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Whether or not the earlobe is attached is a genetically inherited trait and so you would need to look at earlobes in your, and your partner's, families.

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Q: What is the probability of having a child with an attached earlobe?
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What is the probability of having a child with attached earlobes when an individual with attached earlobes mates with an individual heterozygous for free earlobes?

Attached earlobes are a recessive trait. When one parent has attached earlobes and the other is heterozygous for free earlobes, the chances of any particular offspring having attached earlobes is fifty percent.

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50-50. In the circumstances you list, each child of theirs has an equal chance of having- or not having- HD.

Free earlobes in humans is a dominant trait if two parents with free earlobes have children with attached earlobes the genotype of the parents must be?

If two parents with free earlobes have a child with attached earlobes, both parents must have the genotype of heterozygous (Ee) for earlobe shape. Free earlobes (E) is dominant over attached earlobes (e), so the presence of attached earlobes in their child indicates that both parents are carriers of the recessive allele for attached earlobes.