The answer depends on very many variable which have not been specified. Most important is what your house is made of. Do you have a fire alarms and fire extinguishers? Are there any combustible materials stored in the house? Do you smoke? Do you deep-fry food a lot?
The probability of being dealt a full house in poker is 3744/2,598,960 or 1 in 694. The probability of moving up from a full house in poker is 4/47. Check with
A 1 out of 5 chance, or 20%
In all likelihood the probability is 0. Some people will choose their date or year of birth, some their house number.
Probability theory can be used to estimate the risks of genetic traits being passed down to the next generation.
Zero, if you have a good maintenance program.
House Burning Down was created in 1968.
Burning Down the House was created in 1983.
"Burning Down the House" by Talking Heads
The duration of Burning Down the House - film - is 1.4 hours.
Burning Down the House - film - was created on 2001-02-07.
.000069 percent
I'm in the Band - 2009 Burning Down the House 2-6 was released on: USA: March 2011
1 in 1000
Living Lohan - 2008 Burning Down the House 1-2 was released on: USA: 1 June 2008
Northern Exposure - 1990 Burning Down the House 3-14 was released on: USA: 3 February 1992
Rizzoli and Isles - 2010 Burning Down the House 2-15 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
The Drew Carey Show - 1995 Burning Down the House 9-19 was released on: USA: 18 August 2004