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The probabilty would be 3:18 or 1:6 because you have 3 dice all have 6 sides you do 3*6=18 for the denominator. Now for the numoratoreach die has numbers 1-6 and theres is only for on each dice and there is 3 dice so you would end up having 3 as the numorator. To get one fith you have to simplifie but i will go onto that next time.

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Q: What is the probability of obtaining at least one 4 in three rolls of a dice?
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Rolling three dice what is the probability of obtaining at least one six?

50%. There are three dice; each die has 6 faces.

What is the probability of obtaining tails or a three?

The answer depends on what the experiment is!

What is the probability of obtaining exactly two heads in three flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

The probability of obtaining exactly two heads in three flips of a coin is 0.5x0.5x0.5 (for the probabilities) x3 (for the number of ways it could happen). This is 0.375. However, we are told that at least one is a head, so the probability that we got 3 tails was impossible. This probability is 0.53 or 0.125. To deduct this we need to divide the probability we have by 1-0.125 0.375/(1-0.125) = approximately 0.4286

What is the probability of obtaining three heads?

Probably 3/4

What is the probability of obtaining tails and a three?

Assume the given event depicts flipping a fair coin and rolling a fair die. The probability of obtaining a tail is ½, and the probability of obtaining a 3 in a die is 1/6. Then, the probability of encountering these events is (½)(1/6) = 1/12.

What is the probability of rollling a 5 3times ina row?

With a fair die, it is 1/216 in three rolls, but the probability increases to 1 (a certainty) as the number of rolls is increased.

A dice is rolled three times the probability of getting at least one odd number is?

Possible outcomes of one roll = 6.Probability of an even number on one roll = 3/6 = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on the second roll = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on the third roll = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on all three rolls = (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 0.125 = 1/8The probability of at least one odd number is the probability of not gettingan even number on all 3 rolls. That's (1 - 1/8) = 7/8 or 0.875 or 87.5% .

What is the probability of obtaining two tails or more if three coins are flipped?

It is 0.5

What is the probability that 12 rolls of a fair die will show three ones?

It is approx 0.1974

Two dice are rolled three times What is the probability of obtaining all five given that there is at least one five?

It is (1/6)5 = 1/7776 = 0.00013 approx.

What is the probability of rolling exactly one 4 in three rolls of a dice?

3/18 I think

How do you get the probability of three dice rolls?

The probability of 3 specific dice rolls is the probability that each one will happen multiplied together. For instance, the probability of rolling 2 then 6 then 4 is the probability of all of these multiplied together: The probability of rolling 2 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 6 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 4 is 1/6. Multiply these together and we get the total probability as 1/216