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The answer depends on what the experiment is!

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Q: What is the probability of obtaining heads and a two?
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What is the probability of obtaining three heads?

Probably 3/4

What is the probability of tossing a coin 6 times and obtaining at least 3 consecutive heads?

The probability is 5/16.

What is the probability of obtaining exactly two heads in three flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

The probability of obtaining exactly two heads in three flips of a coin is 0.5x0.5x0.5 (for the probabilities) x3 (for the number of ways it could happen). This is 0.375. However, we are told that at least one is a head, so the probability that we got 3 tails was impossible. This probability is 0.53 or 0.125. To deduct this we need to divide the probability we have by 1-0.125 0.375/(1-0.125) = approximately 0.4286

What is the probability of obtaining exactly seven heads in eight flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

The probability of obtaining 7 heads in eight flips of a coin is:P(7H) = 8(1/2)8 = 0.03125 = 3.1%

What is the probability of obtaining exactly 5 heads in 6 flips of a fair coin?

It is approx 0.0938

What is the probability of obtaining exactly 4 heads in a coin?

About a 1 in 16 chance of getting a coin to land on heads 4 times in a row.

In an experiment, a biased coin is thrown ten times. If the probability of obtaining a head on any throw is 0.4 find the probability of obtaining?

Mr. Palmer moved to Canada in 1974 where he continued to teach and write. He died there on June 16, 2013. Related Documents.

What is the probability of getting 2 heads when 2 coins are tossed?

The probability of tossing two heads in two coins is 0.25.

What is the probability of obtaining exactly four heads in five flips of a coin given that at least three are heads?

We can simplify the question by putting it this way: what is the probability that exactly one out of two coin flips is a head? Our options are HH, HT, TH, TT. Two of these four have exactly one head. So 2/4=.5 is the answer.

What is the probability that a coin that is tossed 10 times what is the probability of it landing on heads 10 times?

The probability is 0.09766%.Each toss has a ½ chance to be heads. To combine probabilities use multiply them. So the probability to get two heads out of two tosses is ½ * ½, and three heads out of three tosses is ½ * ½ * ½. So the exact answer is 0.5^10

When a coin is tossed three times what is the probability of getting at most two heads?

The opposite of getting at most two heads is getting three heads. The probability of getting three heads is (1/2)^2, which is 1/8. The probability of getting at most two heads is then 1 - 1/8 which is 7/8.

What is the probability of tossing four coins and getting four heads if the first two tosses are heads?

The conditional probability is 1/4.