You multiply the probability by 100.
62/100 = 0.62
1 percent change out of 100
About 63.3968% Right. Winning AT LEAST once out of 100 tries is equal to NOT(NEVER winning in one of 100 tries). The one in the brackets is 0.99 ^100, which is about 0.33. Taking the NOT is subtracting that result from one, yielding about 0.63396766. To get a percentage multiply this by 100.
No. Probability is defined as a number between 0 and 1 (100 percent). If you have four oil wells, each with a probability of hitting being 30%, then the probability of at least one hitting is 100% - (100% - 30%)4, or about 76%.
You multiply the probability by 100.
100% is not probable, it is definite
100%, which is a certainty.
IF probability of rain is X percent then probability of no rain is 100- X percent. For example if prob of rain is 80% prob of no rain is 20%
The probability is 10 percent.
62/100 = 0.62
An event that will definitely happen is an event with 100% probability.
1 percent change out of 100
The total probability of something happening plus the probability of that same thing not happening is 1, or 100 % → probability of not happening = 1 - 0.25 = 0.75 or 100 % - 25 % = 75 %
100% likely means it is certain to occur.