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Two dice can come up in (6 x 6) = 36 possible ways.

There are six ways to roll a 6:

1, 5

2, 4

3a, 3b

3b, 3a

4, 2

5, 1

The probability of rolling a six on the first toss is (6/36) = 1/6

The probability of rolling a six on the second toss is (6/36) = 1/6

The probability of both is (1/6) x (1/6) = 1/36 = 2.78% (rounded)

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Q: What is the probability of rolling a 6 on a die two consecutive times?
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The probability of rolling a six is 1 out of 6, or 1/6. Now, perhaps your question is: If I roll a die 180 times, what is the probability of rolling a six at least once. This is the same as rolling a die 180 times and never once rolling a six. The probability is (5/6)180 which is 5.59 x 10-15.

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It is a certainty. If the die is rolled often enough, the probability that two consecutive rolls show a six is 1.

What is the probability of rolling a five on one die times in a row?

Since there are 6 sides to the die, the probability of rolling a 5 on one roll is 1/6. Since each roll is an independent event the probability of the multiple results is the product of the probability of each result. So 2 consecutive 5's would occur with a probability of (1/6)(1/6) = 1/36

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It is 0.375 = 3/8

Is it true that the probability of rolling a six with a fair die five times in a row is?

The probability of rolling a six with a standard die five times in a row is (1 in 6)5 which equals 1 in 7776 or about 0.0001286.

What is the probability of rolling a five on one die of three of three times in a row?

Since there are 6 sides to the die, the probability of rolling a 5 on one roll is 1/6. Since each roll is an independent event the probability of the multiple results is the product of the probability of each result. So 2 consecutive 5's would occur with a probability of (1/6)(1/6) = 1/36

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The probability is 1/6 x 5=5/12

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The probability of rolling a six on a die 6 times in a row is 1 in 46,656, or 0.000021433. The calculate that, the probability of rolling one 6 is 1 in 6. Simply raise that to the sixth power to get 1 in 46,656.

A die is rolled 10 times what the probbility all are 6?

The probability of rolling a 6 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 10 times a 6 is (1/6)10 or 1.654X10-8.

What is the probability of rolling 2 threes in a row with a single six sided die?

The probability of rolling a 3 with a standard die is 1 in 6. The probability of doing that two times in a row is 1 in 6 squared, or 1 in 36.