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Q: What is the probability of rolling any number two times in a row with a die?
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When rolling a fair dice numbered one to six what is the probability of rolling a one?

The probability of rolling any single number of a regular die on one roll is one in six, or 1/6, or 0.166666....

What is the probability of rolling a five with a pair of dice?

There are 36 possible outcomes when we roll a pair of dice. Rolling a five can be done the following ways: 3-2, 4-1, 2-3 and 1-4. That's four ways to roll a five with one roll of the dice. The odds of rolling a five are 4 in 36, or 1 in 9. That makes the probability of rolling a five equal to 0.11111....We know that the probability of something is a ratio of the number of times it can be done to the total number of things that are possible. Probabilities range from zero to one, inclusive. If something has a probability of zero, it cannot happen. Like rolling a 13. A 13 cannot be rolled with one roll of a pair of standard dice. Thus the probability of rolling a 13 is zero, as it cannot happen.If something has a probability of one, it must happen. Like the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice. Since any number we roll must be either odd or even, then the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice is one. An odd or an even number must turn up, and that is why the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of the dice is one. Lastly, we've seen that the probability of rolling a given number with one roll of the dice is the number of times that number might appear divided by the total number of possibilities that might appear.

What is the question of the problem if rolling a number cube labeled from 1 to 6 and the probability is 12?

The probability of any event is always a number from 0 to 1, inclusive. It can never be 12.

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on a 6 sided dice?

There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

What is the probability of throwing just one one with two dice?

The probability of throwing just one one with two dice can be calculated by considering the different ways it can occur. There are two ways to get one one: rolling a one on the first die and any number on the second die, or rolling any number on the first die and a one on the second die. There are a total of 36 possible outcomes when rolling two dice, so the probability is 2/36, which simplifies to 1/18.

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When rolling a fair dice numbered one to six what is the probability of rolling a one?

The probability of rolling any single number of a regular die on one roll is one in six, or 1/6, or 0.166666....

What is the probability of rolling doubles three time in a row After rolling a dice 250 times?

the chances of rolling doubles once is 1 in 6; 3 times in a row it is 1 in 216. It does not make any difference after how many times you rolled the dice before.

What is the probability of rolling a five with a pair of dice?

There are 36 possible outcomes when we roll a pair of dice. Rolling a five can be done the following ways: 3-2, 4-1, 2-3 and 1-4. That's four ways to roll a five with one roll of the dice. The odds of rolling a five are 4 in 36, or 1 in 9. That makes the probability of rolling a five equal to 0.11111....We know that the probability of something is a ratio of the number of times it can be done to the total number of things that are possible. Probabilities range from zero to one, inclusive. If something has a probability of zero, it cannot happen. Like rolling a 13. A 13 cannot be rolled with one roll of a pair of standard dice. Thus the probability of rolling a 13 is zero, as it cannot happen.If something has a probability of one, it must happen. Like the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice. Since any number we roll must be either odd or even, then the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice is one. An odd or an even number must turn up, and that is why the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of the dice is one. Lastly, we've seen that the probability of rolling a given number with one roll of the dice is the number of times that number might appear divided by the total number of possibilities that might appear.

What would be the experimental probability of rolling a die 50 times and getting 4?

The experimental probability can't be predicted. If it could, then there wouldn't be any reason to do experiments. The probability of rolling a die 50 times depends on how passionately you want to see what's going to happen if you do. There are six different ways a single die can come up on each roll. So the probability of rolling any particular number between 1 and 6 on each roll is 1/6 or (16 and 2/3) percent. If it isn't, then the die isn't a fair die. The die has no memory, so the probability of any particular number is the same on every roll, even if the same number has or hasn't come up on the previous 100 or 1,000 consecutive rolls. If the probability of any outcome depends on what has come before, then the laws of probability aren't operating, and it's not an honest game.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 on a number cube and flipping tails on a coin?

The probability of rolling any number on a cube can be represented by the formula: X / the number of variables. Since any cube has 6 sides, the probability of rolling any of the numbers 1 through 6 on the cube, can be represented by the formula: X = 1 / 6 = 16.66% The odds or probability of flipping a coin and landing it on either side can be represented by X = the requested result / the number of variables = 1 /2 = 50% Therefore, given the two questions of probability, there is a much greater chance of landing a coin on "tails" rather than rolling a "4".

What is the question of the problem if rolling a number cube labeled from 1 to 6 and the probability is 12?

The probability of any event is always a number from 0 to 1, inclusive. It can never be 12.

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on a 6 sided dice?

There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

What is the probability of getting a 7 after rolling a single die numbered 1 to 6?

The probability of rolling a 7 at any time on a single die is zero.

What is the probability of throwing just one one with two dice?

The probability of throwing just one one with two dice can be calculated by considering the different ways it can occur. There are two ways to get one one: rolling a one on the first die and any number on the second die, or rolling any number on the first die and a one on the second die. There are a total of 36 possible outcomes when rolling two dice, so the probability is 2/36, which simplifies to 1/18.

You are tossing a coin and throwing a die What is the probability of tossing head or tail and throwing a number greater than 4?

Firstly, the probability when tossing a coin and getting a head or tail is 1/2, then rolling a die, there are 6 sides so the chance of rolling any number is 1/6, there are 2 chances of rolling greater than 4 ie 5 and 6, so the probability of rolling a 5 or 6 in 1/3, as these are independent events you multiply the probability getting a heads of tails, (1/2) by the probability of rolling a five or six, (1/3) which gives you 1/6 or 0.1666 recurring.

How many peaks would you expect for the distribution of the results of rolling a fair die 1000 times?

With 1000 rolls of a die, and each number having a probability of 1/6, I would not expect any peaks.