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Assuming the 4-sided die is numbered 1 to 4 and the 12 sided one is numbered 1-12, the answer is 4/(4*12) = 1/12

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Q: What is the probability of rolling the sum of 8 with a 4 sided die and a 12 sided die?
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Well there is 36 different possibilities with rolling 2 6 sided dice. The probability of rolling the sum of 10 with 2 die is 4/36 or 1/8 chance.

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The probability is 4/36 = 1/9

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It is 1/12.

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For 6 sided dice, there is only 1 way to get a 2: (1,1). There are 36 outcomes rolling 2 dice; so the probability of rolling two numbers whose sum is 2 is 1/36.

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You can't get 14 with two regular six-sided dice ! The highest you can get with one throw is 12.

When rolling a sixsided die a possible event is rolling a sum which is a multiple of 5 What is the probability of this event?

The probability of rolling a multiple of five on a standard die is 1 in 6, or about 0.1667.The probability of rolling a 10, 15, or higher is zero, because the question implied only one die.

Find the probability of rolling a sum of 5 with 2 dice?

The probability of rolling a sum of 5 with two die is 4 over 36, or 2 over 18, or 1 over 9.

What is the probability of rolling the sum of 2 with two die?

Out of the 36 possible outcomes with two 6-sided dice, only one of these outcomes (1 and 1) will sum to 2. So 1/36 = approx 2.78%

Determine the probability of the sum of 8 in the single tossed in a pair of fair dice?

The probability of rolling a sum of 8 is approx a 14% chance. There are 36 possibilities when rolling 2 die. There are 5 possibilities of rolling a sum of 8. → Probability = 5/36 = 5/36 x 100% ≈ 14%.

What is the probability of not rolling sum of 6 with two fair dice?

The probability of not rolling a sum of six with two fair dice is 1 minus the probability of rolling a sum of six. There are 36 permutations of rolling two dice. Of these, five sum to six, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, and 5+1. The probability, then of rolling a sum of six is 5 in 36. The probability, then of not rolling a sum of six is 31 in 36, or about 0.8611.