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It is (8/52)*(7/51) = 56/2652 = 0.0211 (approx).

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Q: What is the probability of the first two cards drawn from a deck of cards being an ace or King?
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What is The probability that the first and second card drawn from a deck of 52 cards are both kings?

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The answer depends on how many cards are drawn, whether that is with or without replacement, whether the cards are drawn at random. If only one card is drawn, the probability is 0. If 51 cards are drawn, the probability is 1. If two cards are drawn, at random, and the first is not replaced, the probability is (2/52)*(1/51) = 2/2652 = 0.00075, approx.

What is the probability of drawing 3 black cards (spades or clubs) from a standard 52-card deck?

The probability of drawing three black cards from a standard pack depends on:whether the cards are drawn at random,whether or not the drawn cards are replaced before the next card is drawn,whether the probability that is required is that three black cards are drawn after however many draws, or that three black cards are drawn in a sequence at some stage - but not necessarily the first three, or that the first three cards cards that are drawn are black.There is no information on any of these and so it is not possible to be certain about the answer.The probability of drawing three black cards, in three random draws - without replacement - from a standard deck, is 0.1176 approx.

What is the Probability of getting a 6 of clubs and 7 of clubs?

If you are drawing two cards from a full deck of cards (without jokers) then the probability will depend upon whether the the first card is replaced before the second is drawn, but the probability will also be different to being dealt a hand whilst playing Bridge (or Whist), which will again be different to being dealt a hand at Canasta. Without the SPECIFIC context of the two cards being got, I cannot give you a more specific answer.

What is the probability of pulling two red cards without replacement from a deck of cards?

Assuming a pack consists of 52 cards as per normal. Initially half the cards are red. Probability that the first card drawn is red = 1/2. Now there are 25 red cards left out of 51 remaining cards. Probability that the second card drawn is red = 25/51. Probability that both cards drawn are red therfore = 1/2 * 25/51 = 25/102

Draw two cards from a deck of cards without replacement what is the probability that the first card is an ace and the second card is a king?

The probability that two cards drawn from a deck of cards being an Ace followed by a King is 1 in 13 (for the Ace) times 4 in 51 (for the King) which is equal to 4 in 663.

What is the probability in a deck of 52 cards with 26 red cards and 26 black cards that the first card drawn is red and the second is black?

It is 0.2549, approx.

What is the probability drawing an ace followed by a king?

If only two cards are drawn from a standard deck of cards, with the first card replaced before drawing the second, the answer is 0.005917 (approx). If the first card is not replaced, the probability increases to 0.006033.

Three cards are drawn in succession and without replacement from a deck of 52 cards what is the probability that they are all face cards?

There are 12 face cards in a standard deck of 52 cards. The odds of the first card being a face card is 12/52. If the first card drawn is a face card then there are 11 face cards remaining in the deck of 51 cards. The odds of a second draw of a face card is then 11/51. If both the first two cards drawn were face cards then the deck has 10 face cards in 50 total card. The odds of the third card also being a face card is 10/50. The total probability is (12/52)*(11/51)*(10/50) = 0.009954751 or just under one percent of the time.

What is the probability of drawing a club and a 9 from a deck of 52 playing cards?

The answer depends on whether or not the card is drawn randomly and also, whether or not the card drawn in the first attempt is replace.

What are the probabilities of drawing 3 non face cards in row?

It is 1: the event is a certainty if you keep drawing cards. The probability that the first three cards drawn are non-face cards, which is quite a different event from that described in the question, is approx 0.4471