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Q: What is the probability of type AB and type O producing an O child?
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What is the probability that their first child of a man and woman with type AB blood will have type O blood?


Man with blood type B marries a woman with blood type A and their child is blood type O what is the porbabtility their next child will be blood type AB or B?

The probability of their next child being blood type AB is 0% because neither parent carries the AB blood type. The probability of their next child being blood type B is 25% because the father carries the B allele, which can be passed on to the child.

What is the probability of a man who has BB genotype and his wife who has BO genotype to have a child who is AB?

No probability. Neither parent has an "A" for the child to inherit to make an "AB".

What is the probability of an AB and Rh- blood type combination?


Mrs Smith has blood Type A her father has blood Type A and her mother has blood Type B. If Mr Smith has blood Type AB what is the probability that they will have a child with blood Type AB?

The probability that they will have a child with blood Type AB is 1/4. This is because each parent can pass on either the A or B allele to their child, resulting in four possible combinations: AA, AB, BA, and BB. Since Mr. Smith has the AB combination, there is a 1 in 4 chance that the child will also have blood Type AB.

What is the probability that a child will be a type A if both parents are AB?

If one of the parents has AB blood, it's impossible for the child to have O. Each parent passes down either A or B, if they have them. Because the mother in this scenario has A and B, it can pass one down, and the child would not have O.

A man with blood type o marries a blood type ab what are their childrens probability in blood types?

The children will have type AB

If mother and father has A positive blood what blood type will the child have?

Could be any type, we all get our blood groups from our parents or even our grandparents so, if your child is not B positve, your child will have the same blood group as one of its four grandparents.

What is the probability for blood type AB?

AB- is an extremely rare blood type, occurring in 1% or less of the population in any given area.

Can a type AB child have a father with type A blood?

Yes, if the Mother is type B or AB.

If you are AB plus can your child have the same blood type as you?

The child can have the same blood type. It is possible if the child obtains the allele IA from one parent and IB from the other. So if a person with blood type AB provides IA or IB and the other parent provides the other allele, then the child may have the same blood type i.e. AB positive.

Can a child have o positive blood if the mother is AB?

No, a child with type O blood can not be born of a woman with AB blood type.