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Q: What is the probability than an offspring will have round seeds?
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Why 51 percent a human offspring will be a female?

They will not. In recent years probability is less than 50%. The latest estimate is 48%

What is the probability of getting curly hair?

The probability of getting curly hair depends on whether your parents do or not. Hair genes are decided by the mother. So, if the mother has curly hair, more than likely the offspring will as well. If the father has curly hair and the mother does not, the probability is considerably lowered.

A probability can be no larger than what and no smaller than what?

A probability can be no larger than 1 and no smaller than 0.

Can a probability be greater than 1?

A probability can never be greater than 1.

What are the odds of 18 holes in one in a round of golf?

Take the probability to get a hole in one (on the first try), and raise that probability to the 18th power. This is a rough estimate, since some holes are more difficult than others. The probability of getting a hole in one will obviously depend on the skill of the golf player.

Can the probability of an outcome be more than 1?

No, the probability of an outcome can't be more than 1.

What atmost means in probability?

all probabilities smaller than the given probability ("at most") all probabilities larger than the given probability ("at least")

What is the Probability over 700?

Probability cannot be greater than 1.

How do you know if 4.1 is a valid probability?

4.1 is not a valid probability because probability can never be greater than 1.

What is the probability of the mean being greater than 78?

A very high probability if your numbers are greater than 78.

When probability is less then 0 what happen?

Probability can not be less than 0 or greater than 1. A probability of 0 means there is no possibility whatsoever of an event occurring. A probability of 1 means that the event is guaranteed to occur no matter what.

Why can't the probability be greater then one?

A probability of 1 means something will definitely happen. There cannot be a greater certainty than that, so probability cannot be greater than 1.