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Every time a coin is tossed there is a 50 / 50 chances of it coming up heads. There is no rule that says tossing it 100 or 6 times will change this.

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Q: What is the probability that a coin will turn up heads twice in 6 tosses of the coin?
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The probability of tossing heads on all of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 0.56, or 0.015625. The probability of tossing heads on at least one of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 1 - 0.56, or 0.984375.

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The probability that a coin will land on heads - at least once - in six tosses is 0.9844

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The number of total outcomes on 3 tosses for a coin is 2 3, or 8. Since only 1 outcome is H, H, H, the probability of heads on three consecutive tosses of a coin is 1/8.

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What is the probability of getting 2 heads in 3 coin tosses?

It is 3/8.

What is the probability of getting heads on three successive tosses of a coin?

0.53 = 0.125.

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It is 0.5

What is the probability of getting atleast 4 heads in 6 tosses of fair coin is?

It is 0.3438

What is the probability of getting two heads in unbiased coin?

In two tosses: 1/4.

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