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It is 0.5

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Q: What is the probability of 4 or more heads in 7 tosses of a fair coin?
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What is the probability of of tossing heads on the first 6 tosses of a fair coin?

The probability of tossing heads on all of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 0.56, or 0.015625. The probability of tossing heads on at least one of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 1 - 0.56, or 0.984375.

What is the probability of getting atleast 4 heads in 6 tosses of fair coin is?

It is 0.3438

What is the probability of tossing heads on the first 4 tosses of a fair coin?


How would you describe the pattern in probability of getting all heads as the number of coin tosses increases?

If the coin is fair, the probability of getting all heads will decrease exponentially towards 0.

When tossing a fair coin the probability of getting three heads in a row is?

In a large enough number of tosses, it is a certainty (probability = 1). In only the first three tosses, it is (0.5)3 = 0.125

During an experiment a person tosses a fair coin ten times and got six heads What is the probability the coin will land showing heads on the next toss?

It is 1/2.

What is the probability of getting 3 heads in 10 tosses of a fair coin?

130 instances of 3 heads out of 1024 total possible outcomes=130/1024=0.126953125

If a fair coin is tossed ten times what is the probability of getting five heads?

The probability of getting five heads out of 10 tosses is the same as the probablity of getting five tales out of ten tosses. One. It will happen. When this happens, you will get zero information. In other words, this is the expected result.

Is tossing a fair coin one hundred times and counting the number of heads an example of a binomial experiment?

Yes. You are measuring the number of 'successes', x, (in this case the number of heads) out of a number of 'trials', n, (in this case coin tosses) that has an assumed probability, p, (in this case 50% expressed as 0.5) of happening. This phenomenon follows a binomial distribution. Apply the binomial distribution to evaluate whether the the probability of x success from n trials with probability p of occurring is within a pre-determined 'acceptable' limit. Let's say you observe 54 heads in 100 tosses and you wonder if the coin really is fair. From the binomial distribution, the probability of getting *exactly* 54 heads from 100 tosses (assuming that the coin *is* fair & should have 0.5 chance of landing on either side) is 0.0580 or 5.8%. Note that this is not the same probability as 54 heads *in a row*. Most statisticians would agree that 5.8% is too large and conclude that the coin is fair.

What is the probability of getting heads on all 2 tosses if a fair coin is tossed 5 times?

With 5 coin tosses there are 32 possible outcomes. 10 of these have exactly 2 heads, and 26 of these have 2 or more heads.For exactly two coins are heads: 10/32 = 31.25%For two or more heads: 26/32 = 81.25%

If you toss a fair coin 10 times and it lands on heads 8 times what is the probability that it will land on heads?

Since it is a fair coin, the probability is 0.5

What is the probability of getting exactly three heads when you flip a coin four times?

If it is a fair coin, the probability is 1/4.If it is a fair coin, the probability is 1/4.If it is a fair coin, the probability is 1/4.If it is a fair coin, the probability is 1/4.