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The child will have the disorder, only if the recessive allele from both the parents is transferred to the child. Therefore, the probability is 1/4.

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Q: What is the probability that each child born to two carriers of a recessive disorder allele will have the disorder?
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What is a recessive allele?

Recessive allele is a trait that doesn't show in one's phenotype (observable trait) if there is a dominant allelle present. Only when you inherit a recessive allele from both parents (aa for example and not Aa) does the trait show in your phenotype.

What is the probability that a particular allele will be in a gamete?

chromosome segregationIf the character is governed by a single allele and it is dominant, than its probability to be in the gamete is 75%.

If a dominant homozygous reproduced with a heterozygous could their offspring be recessive?

Let's see what combinations can be formed.HH, HH, Hh, Hh.So, yes their offspring can contain the recessive allele.(THe offspring can be a carrier of the recessive allele.)However, since it is impossible for the offspring to be homozygous recessive,the recessive trait/gene will not show in the offspring's phenotype.Hope that helps!

What is the percentage of offspring that will exhibit the dominant trait from A crossing of A homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual?

The homozygous dominant individual can only pass on the dominant allele and the homozygous recessive individual can only pass on the recessive allele, therefore all offspring will be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

When trait is called recessive?

recessive is when you have another allele that supress the recessive one, you have to thing how this could be done in a methabolic pathway, and you will see that exist many ways for an allele be dominant and the other recessive (you just can say dominant and recessive if you are talking at alleles ,this is genes at the same locus. my mother language is no inglish maybe i have comit many gramatical errors but what i am saying is correc i am student of biotechnology.

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What is the probability a woman heterozygous for an x-linked trait will have a son with a genetic disorder if the genetic disorder is recessive?

The probability would be 0.5 or 50%. A heterozygous woman will pass on the X chromosome with the recessive allele to 50% of her sons, and since the disorder is recessive, the son would only have the disorder if the X chromosome with the recessive allele is inherited from the mother.

Why were heterozygous individuals called carriers for non-sex-linked and x-linked recessive patterns of inheritance?

I don't know and don't care

What is a heterozygous indivisual who doesnt show a reccesive genetic disorder but who can pass a reccesive allele on to their offspring is called what?

The individual is called a carrier. This means they carry a recessive allele for a genetic disorder, but they do not exhibit symptoms of the disorder themselves. However, they can pass on the recessive allele to their offspring.

If both heterozygous parents are carriers of a recessive allele for phenylketonuria the probability that a given child of these parents will have PKU is?

The probability that a given child will have PKU is 25%. This is because both parents are carriers of the recessive allele (heterozygous), so there is a 25% chance that they will each pass on the recessive allele, resulting in the child having PKU.

What does recessive allele disorders mean?

Recessive allele disorders are genetic disorders caused by inheriting two copies of a defective recessive gene, one from each parent. In these disorders, a person needs to inherit two copies of the defective allele to exhibit symptoms. Carriers of the defective gene usually do not show symptoms of the disorder.

What is the name of the gene pair that consist of a dominant allele and recessive allele?

The name of the gene pair that consists of a dominant and recessive allele, i.e. (Xx) will be a heterozygous allele. In this situation, the characteristics of the dominant characteristic will mask that of the recessive allele. People have have a heterozygous genotype may be carriers for diseases that reside on the recessive allele.

What does recessive disorder mean?

Recessive allele disorders are just as they sound - they are disorders that are a result of a prevalent recessive allele in one's genetic makeup. A recessive allele disorder will rarely occur since it is dependent on the crossing of two heterozygous parent cells, but it can lead to interesting consequences. An example of a recessive allele disorder is hemophilia - the body's inability to clot blood - and it has affected much of the European royalty in history, such as Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

In a heterozygote the allele that does not affect the trait?

The allele that does not affect the trait in a heterozygote is known as the recessive allele. This allele is masked by the dominant allele, which determines the observable trait. However, the recessive allele can still be passed on to offspring if both parents are carriers.

In humans heterozygotes are referred to as particularly when the recessive allele is associated with a genetic disease?


Is it true that people who are heterozygous recessive allele but who have a normal phenotype eill not pass the harmful recessive allele to their kids?

Yes, individuals who are heterozygous for a recessive allele but have a normal phenotype will not typically pass on the harmful recessive allele to their children unless their partner also carries the recessive allele. This is because the dominant allele masks the presence of the recessive allele.

What does recessive allele mean?

Recessive allele disorders are just as they sound - they are disorders that are a result of a prevalent recessive allele in one's genetic makeup. A recessive allele disorder will rarely occur since it is dependent on the crossing of two heterozygous parent cells, but it can lead to interesting consequences. An example of a recessive allele disorder is hemophilia - the body's inability to clot blood - and it has affected much of the European royalty in history, such as Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

What is the probability that a offspring will have wrinkled seeds?

R represents the dominant round allele, and rrepresents the recessive wrinkled allele. :D