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Although the probability of this event is greater than zero, it is so very small that for all intents and purposes it is taken to be zero.

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Q: What is the probability that if you flip a coin it will land on its edge?
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If you flip a coin three times what is the probability that it will land in heads three times?


If you flip a coin 10 times what is the posability that the coin will land on heads?

The probability that the coin will land on heads each time is 1/2. (1/2) to the tenth power is 1/1024. This is the probability that the coin will not land on heads. Subtract it from one to get the probability that it will : 1-(1/1024)There is a 1023/1024 or about 99.90234% chance that the coin will land on heads at least once.(There is a 1/1024 chance that the coin will land on heads all four times.)

If a coin is flip 9 times and get all H What is the probability of an H on next flip?

The probability of the coin landing "head" side up is 50/50, meaning it could land "head" side up or "tail" side up. The odds of any single coin flip are always the same, no matter what happened on the previous tosses -- provided the coin is not a "double-head" (or "double-tail") "trick" coin

What is the probability of getting at least 3 tails when tossing a coin six times?

Because a coin is two-sided, 50/50 is always the probability. Unless your coin lands on the grass (on the lawn), then it will probably land on its edge.

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

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If you flip a coin three times what is the probability that it will land in heads three times?


If you were to flip a coin 4 times what is the probability it will land on heads the same number of times that it lands on tails?


If you flip a coin 10 times what is the posability that the coin will land on heads?

The probability that the coin will land on heads each time is 1/2. (1/2) to the tenth power is 1/1024. This is the probability that the coin will not land on heads. Subtract it from one to get the probability that it will : 1-(1/1024)There is a 1023/1024 or about 99.90234% chance that the coin will land on heads at least once.(There is a 1/1024 chance that the coin will land on heads all four times.)

If a coin is flip 9 times and get all H What is the probability of an H on next flip?

The probability of the coin landing "head" side up is 50/50, meaning it could land "head" side up or "tail" side up. The odds of any single coin flip are always the same, no matter what happened on the previous tosses -- provided the coin is not a "double-head" (or "double-tail") "trick" coin

What is the probability of getting at least 3 tails when tossing a coin six times?

Because a coin is two-sided, 50/50 is always the probability. Unless your coin lands on the grass (on the lawn), then it will probably land on its edge.

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

If a coin is flipped 7 times what is the probability of landing on all tails?

each time you flip the coin, probability to end on either side is 50% (or 0.5) (we disregard landing on the side). So, to land on the same side 7 times, it is: 0.5^7

What is the probability of heads on one flip of a coin?

you would think there is a 50% chnce of it landing on heads. However due to the weight of the metal on the picture on the coin it is actually about 5009/10,000 chance it will land on heads.

What is a biased coin probability?

A biased probability is one where not every outcome has the same chance of occurring. A biased coin is one where one side, the "heads" or "tails" has a greater probability than the other of showing. A coin which has a centre of gravity closer to the tails side than the heads side would be biased in that heads is more likely to show than tails. The size of coin can have an effect on the probability of heads and tails - during the Royal Institute Christmas lectures in the 1990s demonstrating probability a large version of the pound coin was made to be able to allow the audience to see it being tossed - on the broadcast (and tape) version it landed and stayed on its edge! showing the probability of heads = tails ≠ ½; the probability of heads = probability of tails, but they are actually slightly less than ½ as the coin could land on its edge and stay there - with a standard size coin, if it lands on its edge it takes very little for the centre of gravity to shift outside the base of the edge and for the coin to fall over, but with a very large similar coin (ie one scaled up [proportionally] in lengths) it can take quite a bit before the centre of gravity goes outside the base if it lands on its edge which forces it to fall over (plus there will be a "significant" rise in the centre of gravity to do so, thus favouring stability on an edge which does not exist in the standard, small, sized version of the coin).

What is the probabilty that a coin will land on heads if flipped 8 times?

This is a probability question. Probabilities are calculated with this simple equation: Chances of Success / [Chances of Success + Chances of Failure (or Total Chances)] If I flip a coin, there is one chance that it will land on heads and one chance it will land on tails. If success = landing on heads, then: Chances of Success = 1 Chances of Failure = 1 Total Chances = 2 Thus the probability that a coin will land on heads on one flip is 1/2 = .5 = 50 percent. (Note that probability can never be higher than 100 percent. If you get greater than 100 you did the problem incorrectly) Your question is unclear whether you mean the probability that a coin will land on head on any of 8 flips or all of 8 flips. To calculate either you could write out all the possible outcomes of the flips (for example: heads-heads-tails-tails-heads-tails-heads-heads) but that would take forvever. Luckily, because the outcome of one coin flip does not affect the next flip you can calculate the total probability my multiplying the probabilities of each individual outcome. For example: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = Prob. Flip 1 is Heads * Prob. Flip 2 is Heads * Prob. Flip 3 is Heads...and so on Since we know that the probability of getting heads on any one flips is .5: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 (or .58) Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .00391 or .391 percent. The probability that you will flip a heads on any of flips is similar, but instead of thinking about what is the possiblity of success, it is easier to approach it in another way. The is only one case where you will not a heads on any coin toss. That is if every outcome was tails. The probability of that occurring is the same as the probability of getting a heads on every toss because the probability of getting a heads or tails on any one toss is 50 percent. (If this does not make sense redo the problem above with tails instead of heads and see if your answer changes.) However this is the probability of FAILURE not success. This is where another probability formula comes into play: Probability of Success + Probability of Failure = 1 We know the probability of failure in this case is .00391 so: Probability of Success + .00391 = 1 Probability of Success = .9961 or 99.61 percent. Therefore, the probability of flipping a heads at least once during 8 coin flips is 99.61 percent. The probability of flipping a heads every time during 8 coin flips is .391 percent.

What is theoretical probability that the coin will land on tails?

It is 0.5

What is theoretical probability that coin a will land on tails?
