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10 possibilities, only three (7, 8 & 9) are greater than 6 so probability is 0.3 or 30%

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Q: What is the probability the number will be greater than 6 if you place a paper 0-9 into a hat?
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If the die is numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6, then the numbers you could roll on that time include: Odd Numbers: 1,3,5 Greater than 3: 4,5,6 Apparently, every number appears but 2, so there is a 1/6 chance of NOT getting the favorable outcome. The favorable outcome is the chance of prevailing in the event's request, and in this case, has a 5/6 chance of taking place. So.. the probability is 5/6 of a chance, 83.333%, or .83 of a chance, repeating 3.

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first you see where the tenths place is then you underline that one number. then you see if it greater or less with the other number true fact

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If you look at the tenths place, both numbers have the number 2. Then you look in the hundredths place. 15.21 has the number 1, 15.203 has the number 0. 1 is greater than 0 so 15.21 is greater than 15.203. You don't need to really look at the 3 in the thousandths place in 15.203 because you already see that 15.21 is greater. I hope this answers your question!