

Best Answer
  1. Move the decimal point the same number of digits as the power of the 10. If the power is negative move to the left, positive to the right.
  2. If the digits run out before the decimal point has move enough digits, insert zeros until the decimal point has moved enough digits.
  3. If the decimal point ends up after the units digits and there are no decimal digits (ie the number is a whole number), the decimal point can be removed; if the decimal point is in front of the first digit, write a zero in front of it.


1.23 x 101

  1. power of 10 is 1, so move decimal point 1 digit to the right
  2. 1.23 ⇒ 12.3

1.23 x 102

  1. power of 10 is 2, so move decimal point 2 digits to the right
  2. 1.23 ⇒ 123.
  3. decimal point after units, number is a whole number, so 123. ⇒ 123

1.23 x 103

  1. power of 10 is 3, so move decimal point 3 digits to the right
  2. 1.23 ⇒ 1230. (inserting a zero)
  3. decimal point after units, number is a whole number, so 1230. ⇒ 1230

1.23 x 100

  1. power of 10 is 0, so move decimal point 0 digits to the right
  2. 1.23 ⇒ 1.23

1.23 x 10-1

  1. power of 10 is -1, so move decimal point 1 digit to the left
  2. 1.23 ⇒ .123
  3. Decimal point before first digit, precede by a zero: .123 ⇒ 0.123

1.23 x 10-3

  1. power of 10 is -3, so move decimal point 3 digits to the left
  2. 1.23 ⇒ .00123 (inserting two zeros)
  3. Decimal point before first digit, precede by a zero: .00123 ⇒ 0.00123
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Q: What is the procedure in converting scientific notation to natural notation?
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What is the procedure in converting natural notation to scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a means of abreviating or shortening very large numbers. Scientific notation is written with one numeral to the left of the decimal place, this is a rule, no more than one digit is allowed before the decimal place. All other digits fall behind the decimal place (obviously). Since scientific notation is a method abreviating large numbers the original number usually contains lots of digits, making it a big 'yucky' number. What scientific notation does is round it off and then shorten it by designating it to ten to the power of a number. For example: the number 1,58,994,876 written in scientific notation would be 1.59x108 note how the number was shortened and rounded to two decimal places? Example 2: The number 0.00000000097832 would be 9.78x10-10 Note how this time ten was to the power of a negative number, this pushes the decimal place right making the number smaller.

What occupations use scientific notation?

All the natural sciences. Engineers have their own notation. Mathematicians like exact values, or decimals. Social scientists are afraid of math!

What is 37.32 I'n Scientific notation?

3.732 x 10¹37.32 = 3.732e+1That's the way some calculators express scientific notation, but the first answer is correct and a better choice.On most calculators superscripts aren't an option and there also would be no confusion regarding "e" -- it doesn't represent e, the base of natural logs -- a problem encountered were scientific notation written this way anywhere other than a calculator.Why correct a correct answer; there are enough unanswered questions.

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The scientific name for natural gas is methane (CH4).

What is a scientific name for natural gas?

Natural gas is a mixture and, as a result, does not have a scientific name. It consists mainly of methane.

Is there such thing The scientific method?

in brief ayurveda is natural and allopathy is scientific

Could converting a forest to other uses effect frogs?

It destroys their natural habitats.

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fetus you need to know this stuff. your dumb!

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