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Q: What is the process of repeating information over and over in order to retain it in short-term memory?
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What is the name of the process of repeating information in your short-term memory?

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Shortterm memory

Priming is to retrieval as rehearsal is to?

encoding. Rehearsal involves the process of actively repeating and processing information to transfer it from short-term to long-term memory, similar to how encoding involves transforming information into a meaningful memory representation.

What is Cognitive Information Processing Theory?

Cognitive Information Processing Theory is a theoretical framework that explains how individuals acquire, organize, and use knowledge to solve problems. It emphasizes the role of cognitive processes like attention, memory, and problem-solving in information processing. This theory is often applied in the fields of education and psychology to understand how people learn and process information.

How do you use subvocalization in word?

Subvocalization (repeating information quietly to ones self) helps those with short term memory deficits to recall spoken information.

What is recalling a memory most like?

Reconstructing process of information

What encoding and retrieval involve?

Encoding is the process of inputting information into memory, where it can be stored and later retrieved. Retrieval is the process of accessing and bringing stored information out of memory for use. Both encoding and retrieval are essential components of memory processes.

What is memorializing?

Memory is the ability to retain information or to recover information about previous experiences. Memory is a function of the brain. Memory is a way in which the mind stores and recalls information.

The biological explanation for how memory works is called?

It is called long-term potentiation.

What is The process of translating information into neural language that will be retained in memory?


Is retrieval the process of getting information out of the memory?

Yes, retrieval is the process of accessing and getting information out of memory when needed. It involves recalling or recognizing information stored in the brain to use it in thinking, problem-solving, or decision-making tasks.

The retention of encoded information over time refers to?

Memory. Memory is the ability to retain and recall information over time. This process involves encoding, storage, and retrieval of information.