An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, then it's a factor of their product.
When you multiply numbers together, the factors of the product are the factors of all of the multiplicands, and every even number includes at least one factor of 2.
no. factors are numbers which you multiply to get that product. You can't multiply 75 with any other number to get 96 asd its product. Neither can you do it with the number 21.
yes it is. say the problem is 18,938,489x1= 18,938,489
If you multiply any even number by an even number, the product is an even number.
No, the product will always be even.
An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, then it's a factor of their product.
An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, or of both, then it's a factor of their product,and the product must therefore be an even number.
When you multiply numbers together, the factors of the product are the factors of all of the multiplicands, and every even number includes at least one factor of 2.
Any number multiplied by a fraction yields a smaller product.
The product of 6 is the result you get when you multiply any other number by 6
no. factors are numbers which you multiply to get that product. You can't multiply 75 with any other number to get 96 asd its product. Neither can you do it with the number 21.
No. If the number by which you multiply 5 is even, the product will always end in "0" and will be even:5 x 2 = 105 x 8 = 405 x 18 = 90If the number by which you multiply 5 is odd, the product will always end in "5" and will be odd:5 x 3 = 155 x 9 = 455 x 31 = 155
Any number multiplied by two will give an even product.
Any even number