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Five multiplied by 3/8 is 1 7/8

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Q: What is the product of 5 times 3 over 8?
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What is the product of 5 over 8 and 2 over 3?

It is 5/8 times 2/3 = 5/12 in its simplest form

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2 times 3 times 5=30 thanks for reading

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If you mean (nine over ten) times two the answer is 6 over 5 If you mean nine over (ten times two) the answer is 3 over 10

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5/6 times 3/4 is 5/8ths.

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As a product of its prime factors: 3*3*5*5 = 225

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4 times 3 over 5 = 12/5= 4 * 3/5= 4/1 * 3/5= 12/5

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