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That is the identity property of multiplication for all rational numbers, or all real numbers or all complex numbers except (in each case) for 0.

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Q: What is the product of a number and its inverse is 1?
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Is the product of a number and its multiplicative inverse always a rational number?

If the multiplicative inverse exists then, by definition, the product is 1 which is rational.

The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is?


Is the multiplicative inverse of -54 ... 54?

No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.

Is the product of a number and its multiplicative inverse 1?

yes but no

What is product additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number of -3?

- 1/3

What is the one of two numbers whose product is 1 also called multiplicaton inverse?

IN ALGEBRA muliplicative Inverse is the product of the number and the reiprocal of the number and after multiplying the number and the reciprocal the result will be 1.

What does the mathematical term ''Multiplicative Inverse'' mean?

The multiplicative inverse of a number (other than zero) is the number such that the product of the two is 1. Thus, the multiplicative inverse of x is 1/x.

What is the product of any nonzero real number and its multiplicative inverse?


What is the multiplicative inverse of 72?

1/72 A multiplicative inverse is what you multiply a number by to make the product equal one.

What is the multiplication inverse of 8?

The multiplicative inverse is when you multiply a certain number, and the product is itself, the number. So, the multiplicative inverse of 8 is of course, 1. For every number, the multiplicative number is 1, because a certain number times 1 is equal to the certain number. It's simple!!

What is an example of inverse prperty?

The multiplicative inverse of any non-zero number is its reciprocal, and the product of the two is 1. The inverse of -3.7 is 1/(-3.7) which is -0.270270... -3.7 * -0.270270... = 1

What does the term Multiplicative Inverse mean?

it means reciprocal, the number that multiplies by the original number to get a product of 1. The multiplicative inverse is always 1/x; x=5, then the multiplicative inverse is 1/5. If x=1/2 or .5, the multiplicative inverse is 1/.5, which is also 2.