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multiply numbers inside radical together and take square root

in this cae , answer is sqrt 14

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Q: What is the product rule for square root of 2 times the square root of 7?
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What is the square root of 261?

The square root of 261 can be written as the square root of (9x29). Now the product rule for square roots tells us this is the same as square root of 9 multiplied by the square root of 29. This is 3xsquare root of 29. The square root of 29 can only be approximated.One approximation to square root of 261 is 16.1555.

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The square root of 762 cannot be simplified by the product rule. It is also not a perfect square. The best that we can do is to approximate it, since it is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be written as a fraction. Therefore, the square root of 762 is approximately 27.6

Integrating square root of x cubed?

Integral of x3/2dx using power rule = (5/2)x5/2 2.5 times the square root of x to the fith.

What is the Product rule for square roots?

the product rule is included in calculus part.Product Rule : Use the product rule to find the derivative of the product of two functions--the first function times the derivative of the second, plus the second function times the derivative of the first. The product rule is related to the quotient rule, which gives the derivative of the quotient of two functions, and the chain rule, which gives the derivative of the composite of two functionsif you need more explanation, i want you to follow the related link that explains the concept clearly.

How do you differentiate cosine square root of x?

The derivative of cos x is -sin x, the derivative of square root of x is 1/(2 root(x)). Applying the chain rule, the derivative of cos root(x) is -sin x times 1/(2 root(x)), or - sin x / (2 root x).

What describes the product rule?

The product rule for derivatives is as follows. For the derivative of the product of two functions, "f" and "g":(f times g)' = f times g' + f' times g

What is the restriction on the rule that says when two numbers are multiplied within a square root you can split it into a multiplication of two square roots?

Opposite numbers rule

What is the square root of 10 multiplied by the square root of 15?

When multiplying two square roots together, it is helpful to remember the following rule: root ab = (root a)(root b) In this case we can multiply 10 by 15 to get 150, and say the answer is the square root of 150. This can then be split up again into root 25 and root 6. Root 25 = 5, so the simplest form of the answer is "5 root 6" This is approximately 12.247

What does describes the product rule?

Product Rule This question is within the Cells and Genetics category which calls for defining this question not in the calculus field, but within obviously the genetics area. Product Rule: The probability of an combined event individually in a combined event.

If a negative number squared is positive why isn't the square root of a positive number negative?

Don't forget that a positive number squared is also positive.The rule has nothing to do with whether they're positive or negative. The rule is:When you multiply two numbers together, if their signs are the same then the product is positive.If their signs are different, then the product is negative.When you square a number, the two numbers you're multiplying are the same number,so their signs are always the same, and the product (the square) is always positive.Going the other way, you start with a positive number that's the product. Since it's positive,you know that the two numbers that were multiplied to get it have the same sign ... theycould both be positive, or they could both be negative.The answer to your question is more weird than you expected: The square root of a positive numberis negative. It's also positive. A positive number has two square roots ... the positive one andnegative one.Now, the square root of a negative number is something more difficult. No number squared can equal a negative except for what is called imaginary numbers, defined by "i". For example, the square root of -1 is i, and the square root of -2 is (√2)*i.

What is the answer to square root 2 times the square root 15?

The rule to keep in mind to questions like this is: an × bn = (a × b)n In the case of square roots, the exponent "n" would be one half, so we can say: 21/2 × 151/2 = (2 × 15)1/2 = 301/2 ≡ √30 ≈ 5.477226

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A depth rule is a principle in database design that governs the level of nesting for relationships between tables. It implies that a table should not be nested too deeply within another table to maintain simplicity and efficiency in querying the database.