== == * I'm assuming you're talking as a waiter at a restaurant. First you bring out the bottle, rest it in the crook of your arm and present it to the customer to let them look it over - they want to be sure it's unopened, it's the right brand and year and type of wine. If they indicate they want to hold the bottle go ahead, if they want to open it let them. If they want to open it wait to be sure it's OK before you take off, see #3 below on corkage. Second you open it in front of them so they get to see the cork being pulled or screw-top being broken open - get some practice before this for pulling corks or you're gonna have issues, it's tricky. If it's a cork present them with the cork - if they take it to sniff that's cool, if they just look at you funny just pocket it & pretend that's normal too. Some people sniff, some don't, it's their thing. Sniffing is checking for corkage, see below. Third you pour a little in their glass, wait for them to say yes or no - the "no" should only come if the bottle has been "corked", meaning it spoiled, which happens to a certain percentage of wine (something like ten percent, it's a known problem with cork stoppers. The percentage of "corked" wine in a screw-top bottle is like one in a hundred, which is why they're going towards screw-top bottles despite the whole snob factor.) Fourth you fill the glasses of whoever at the table wants a glass. Note: when pouring you can use a number of methods to ensure that you don't drip (dripping is exceedingly tacky). Some restaurants have pour-spouts which the server puts on the bottle before pouring' it works but it's not real classy. A classier way to do it is to wrap a cloth napkin around the neck of the bottle to catch drips and practice your pour - there are a number of pouring techniques, where you rest the bottle on your arm to pour or use both hands or whatever. * Added Information: Depending on the type of restaurant some customers prefer the wine 'to breath.' They will later pour it themselves. If possible and the customer is happy with the wine always serve from the right! Pick up the customers glasses and tip the glass (keeps the flavor) and pour the glass half full then leave the remaining wine on the table (preferably in an ice bucket if it's white wine.) One can tell if the wine is not good when they smell the cork as it has a woody smell to it. Some wines may be bitter when they shouldn't be. Amount to pour: You should be able to get 5-6 glasses from a standard bottle of wine. Do not fill glasses to brimming. For individual glasses sold seperatly small and large glasses should be pour as standard (usually they have specific glasses). When serving a bottle to a table a good rule of thumb is slightly less than half the glass - though this depends on the glass design. Drinkers should be able to swirl the glass to help it breath. For Red wine served in large wine glasses this could be significantly lower. For chilled white wines be aware that the temperature raises faster outside the bottle. Traditionally a waiter should keep glasses topped up but care should be taken that all drinkers are being served as much as they want. Usually they will touch or cover the top of the glass with a hand if they don't want more.
The data can also b presented with the help of graphs.Graphs are an attractive way of presenting the informatin and it can easy to under stand.
ethnigraphic fieldwork
Tables and Graphs. Audio-visual is just one way.
There is no one way of presenting data. There are good ways and there are bad ways. You must consider the nature of the data to decide the best way of presenting it. Consider that the famous nurse Florence Nightingale is credited with the first use of "pie charts" to illustrate medical data to non-medical persons. Human beings are very "visual" in nature, so choose the way of presenting data that gives the best impression of the principle you are trying to convey. Pie charts are best for presenting percentages, while line graphs are best for presenting trends, while raw numerical data may be best presented in a table with one quantity ascending/descending in value in the leftmost column. If using computer software such as Excel to present data, you will find a number of choices available in the Chart Wizard which allow you to provide the best visualization.
a ratio table is a way of presenting a ratio on a math table... pretty self-explanatory
assist the customer, arrange the good things in proper way,give the customer satisfaction, inventory everyday
A graphic way of presenting the information clearly is being focus on the subject
Customer service is the support you offer your customers. In handling a call center customer, you must have patience, effective communication skills and negotiation strategy. Approach customers in a proper way.
The Jesse Tree is a symbolic way of presenting the story of God's love and action in the lives of his people throughout centuries.
Arrange the goods in a proper way,give them what they need, be sure the customer satisfied in our service.
Not in the traditional way. It is a fruit based wine instead of a grape based wine
The data can also b presented with the help of graphs.Graphs are an attractive way of presenting the informatin and it can easy to under stand.
A wine bag is another way to describe a wine skin.
Placed there, it is out of the way and there is no chance that the left hand will come in contact with the customer. Some people have strong aversions to being "touched" in any manner.
representation ~ actionorspeechonbehalfofaperson or group.a smaller way than presenting something
Basically, alcohol,beer,wine,champagne,pork and any animal which has not been cut the proper Islamic way. Also everything that intoxicates you like alcohol.