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Q: What is the purpose of a derivative product?
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What is the purpose of finding derivative?

The purpose of finding a derivative is to find the instantaneous rate of change. In addition, taking the derivative is used in integration by parts.

What is an open position in a derivative product?

A speculator takes an open position in a derivative product (i.e., there is no offsetting cash flow exposure to offset losses on the position taken in the derivative product).

What is the Product rule for square roots?

the product rule is included in calculus part.Product Rule : Use the product rule to find the derivative of the product of two functions--the first function times the derivative of the second, plus the second function times the derivative of the first. The product rule is related to the quotient rule, which gives the derivative of the quotient of two functions, and the chain rule, which gives the derivative of the composite of two functionsif you need more explanation, i want you to follow the related link that explains the concept clearly.

What is an example of a derivative product?

Derivative instruments are classified as: Forward Contracts Futures Contracts Options Swaps

what perpose derivative use in computer field with examples?

The purpose of derivative in computer science is use to sole different problems .

What is the purpose of purified protein derivative?

to detect the exposure of tuberculosis

Including information in a new product that has already been classified is called?

Carry on classification

What is the derivative of pitanx?

By the product rule. d/dX(pitanX) = pisec2X ----------------

What do you mean by derivative?

A derivative can be defined as something which derives its value from an underlying product being a stock, currency, commodity or anything that carries a market price.The market price of a product is subject to fluctuations due to various factors effecting its demand & supply thereby associating itself to various risk factors.SO, derivative is a by-product of the core product which can be used to hedge, speculate & also undertake arbitrage activities.

About derivatives market you mean the exacltly definition of derivative market?

the derivative market means the the price of particular product in the market is fluctuating time by time.

What is the purpose of a product?

the purpose of a product is that so u sell it fool

What is the purpose a product?

the purpose of a product is that so u sell it fool