

What is the purpose of a pendulum?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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15y ago

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Pendulums have been used for thousands of years as a time keeping device in various civilizations.

Assuming that it is only displaced by a small angle, a pendulum wall have a period of 2pi*√(L/g) where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceeleration due to gravity, normally 9.81m/s².

One of the cool things about pendulums is that if one is made with a length of one meter, it will have a period of 2.00607 seconds, meaning it will take just slightly more than one second to swing from one side to another.

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What happens when you double the mass of a pendulum?

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What are difference between simple pendulum and compound pendulum?

A simple pendulum has one piece that swings. A complex pendulum has at least two swinging parts, attached end to end. A simple pendulum is extremely predictable, while a complex pendulum is virtually impossible to accurately predict.