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That depends on what 3.13cm refers to but the radius of a circle is half of its diameter.

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Q: What is the radius of 3.13cm?
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What if your wall is 313cm long by 115cm high how many sq feet is that for tiles?

in the real world it's 123.24 inches By 45.28 inches multipy those two then divid by 144 sq inches in a sq foot & you will get 38.75 more or less.

If the circumference of a circle doubles the radius?

IMPOSSIBLE circumference = 2*pi*radius if circumference = 2*radius: 2*radius=2*pi*radius 2*radius/(2*radius)=2*pi*radius/(2*radius) 1=pi pi= 1 therefore it is impossible to have a circumference that is twice that of the radius

What does it mean to square the radius?

It means to multiply the radius by itself: radius x radius

Is radius half radius?

No. Radius is half of the diameter.

How do you get from the radius to the circumference?

(radius+radius) times pi

What is a radius square?

When you try to figure out an area of a circle, you square the radius, then multiply it by pi to get the area of a circle. A radius square is radius x radius, or radius squared.

How do you find a circumference of a circle if the radius is a fraction?

The circumference is 2*pi*radius. It does not matter if the radius is an integer or a fraction.The circumference is 2*pi*radius. It does not matter if the radius is an integer or a fraction.The circumference is 2*pi*radius. It does not matter if the radius is an integer or a fraction.The circumference is 2*pi*radius. It does not matter if the radius is an integer or a fraction.

What is the wavenumber of IR radiation designated by 31.95 microns?

The wavenumber of IR radiation designated by 31.95 microns is approximately 312.88 cm^-1. Wavenumber is calculated by dividing the speed of light by the wavelength, thus converting the micrometer wavelength to cm.

The radius of the event horizon of a black hole is called the?

Schwarzschild radius.

What is the radius of a circle if its radius is 8 inches?

The radius is 8 inches.

Who was radius named after?

I am sorry radius was named after george radius who was a scientisit