The ratio of 328 days to 208 days can be written as 328:208 with the "days" units left off. If we reduce 328:208 by successive division by 2, we get 164:104, 82:52, and 41:26 before we can't go on. We can see that 41 is prime, so we're done trying to reduce this one and 41:26 is our answer for the ratio of 328 days to 208 days.
600:208 = 75:26
208 days are 29 5/7 weeks.
If you were to travel 0.56 miles every day for 328 days, you would travel 328 x 0.56 = 183.68 miles.
20/20.8 = 200/208 = 25/26
29 and 5/7 days.
600:208 = 75:26
Friday 6 July 2012 is 328 days after it. Sunday 19 September 2010 is 328 days before it.
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 208 weeks is equal to 208 x 7 = 1456 days.
208 days are 29 5/7 weeks.
If you were to travel 0.56 miles every day for 328 days, you would travel 328 x 0.56 = 183.68 miles.
Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-328 was released on: USA: 20 February 1967
328 days before the question was asked, on the 9th of November 2011, the date was the 16th of December 2010. The question is being answered on the 1st of January 2015, at which time the date 328 days before that is the 7th of February 2014.
75:26(divide both by 8)
8 and 2/3 days
Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-208 was released on: USA: 31 August 1966
208 days