96 males to 100 females.
It is: 96/100 times 100 = 96%
It is 74:96 which can be simplified to 37:48.
Three example: 96% of 100% is 96% 96% of £100 is £96 96% of 250 is 240 (method used: 96÷100×250=240)
16:96 :: 1:6
It is: (96+100+92)/3 = 96
It is 74:96 which can be simplified to 37:48.
t is 96/46 = 48/23
To convert 96% to decimal divide by 100: 96% ÷ 100 = 0.96
If you mean: 24 96 then its ratio is 1 to 4
Simple. Since 96% is a portion of 100%, divide 96 by 100, and Poof! You get .96. Cheers!