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Well, there are about 10 billion chickens and 6 billion people so 10,000,000,000:6,000,000,000

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Q: What is the ratio of chickens per person?
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How many chickens are eaten each year in France?

35 chickens per person.

How many chickens are consumed daily in the US?

30 chickens per person per year :D

Do hens need their own nest or will they share with another hen?

Hens typically prefer to have their own nest to lay eggs in, as sharing a nest can lead to competition and aggression. Providing each hen with its own nest box can help reduce stress and ensure that each hen has a safe and comfortable place to lay eggs.

What is the human to chicken population ratio?

I would say that there are between 3 and 4 chickens per human at any given moment. this is purely speculation but working backwords from population of humans, intake of eggs per day per human plus the number of chickens per human, humans eat; i would have to say that is a fair quick estimate.... no?

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The average car to person ratio in Canada is approximately .58

How many chickens to fry for 15 ppl?

Depends on there age. I would say 15 breasts of chicken. I per person.

Can a person really f chickens?

yes you can fry chickens.

Who discover the chickens?

There is no person who discover the chickens because when the first person in the world sent to earth there is already have a chicken..

If the ratio of cows to chickens is 1:3 and there are 4 cow total how many chicken are there?

Cw: cH :: 1: 3 :: 4:12 12 chickens.

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How many chickens are eaten in the world per day?

23.383 million chickens are killed each day in the U.S. for consumption

What is the ratio of 16.7grams per liter?

The ratio of 16.7g/L is a density ratio.