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Typically small dogs (under 30 lbs.) at 2 years of age equate to a man of 24 years. Each additional year of a small dog's life equates to 4 years of a man's life. Thus a 14 year old doxie is equivalent to a 72 year old man.

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Q: What is the ratio of dachshund to human years?
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What is the live spand of a dachshund?

The life span of a dachshund is usually 14-16 years

When is a dachshund an adult?

2 Years Old

How long does the average dachshund live?

It lives for 9999999999.9 years

Mini dachshund average life span?

10-16 years.

How do you calculate bunny years?

To calculate bunny years, you can use a ratio of 1 human year to 7 bunny years. For example, if a bunny is 2 years old, in bunny years it would be equivalent to 14 human years (2 x 7). This ratio is an approximation and may vary slightly depending on the breed and size of the bunny.

What age should a dachshund be considering a senior?

Dachshunds are one of the longest lived of all breeds of dog, usually surpassing fifteen years of age. Your Dachshund could be considered a senior from ten years onwards.

What is the life span of a dachshund dog?

Well.... on average a dachshund should live 12-15 it really depends on your dachshund.... if you take the best of care you can.... well... you might have your dachshund live longer who knows?! But most dachshunds live 12-15. I have a mini dachshund! he is speckled brown and he is white... VERY CUTE! He's a little over a year, super healthy. He's a roch back... kinda curved, makes them stronger.. but i have high hopes for long living!

What was the ugly dachshund's name in the ugly dachshund?

it was Dutch the dachshund.

How long from nose to tail is a mini dachshund?

It ranges from dachshund to Dachshund depends if the dachshund is Regular or mini and such...

What if your father is forty-four human years old your dog is seven years old in dog years and fifty-six years old in human years How old is your father in dog years?

Your father is 308 dog years old. To calculate, multiply your dog's age in dog years (7) by the ratio of your dad's age in human years (44) to your dog's age in human years (7).

How many cat years is one man year?

On average, 1 human year is equivalent to about 7 cat years. This ratio can vary depending on the breed of the cat and its health.

What is the acerage human arm to body ratio?

The average human body height to arm span ratio is approximately one to one. The arm to body ratio in a human is two to one.