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It is the average speed.

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Q: What is the ratio of distance travelled to time?
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Related questions

How can ratio and a fraction be different?

A fraction is a ratio of two quantities which are measured in the same units. In a simple case, average speed is the ratio between the distance travelled and the time taken. However, the speed is not a fraction of wither the distance nor of the time.

What is the ratio of speed?

Mathematicians would agree with me that mathematically... Speed = D/T In other words, whatever you get from dividing the distance and the time will give you the speed.

How is speed defined?

The distance travelled divided by time. Distance/time = speed

How do you measure Velocity-?

velocity = distance travelled/time taken to travel that distance

What is reaction distance?

reaction distance is the distance travelled from the time you see and analyze a threat, to the time you actually physically react.

How can you remember speed?

Distance travelled per unit time .

How can you get the distance travelled by an object from its speed time graph?

multiply speed by time.

Is distance and time proportional in velocity?

Not sure what you mean exactly. At constant velocity, the distance travelled is proportional to the time.

What measurements do you need to calculate the speed of a train?

distance travelled and time taken average speed = distance/time

In a distance-time graph the slope of is the ratio of time to distance?

The slope of a distance-time graph represents the speed of an object. It is calculated as the ratio of the change in distance to the change in time. A steeper slope indicates a faster speed.

What does Rf Values in chromatography represent?

Rf values represent the ratio between the distance a component travels and the distance the solvent moves in thin-layer chromatography or paper chromatography. It is a dimensionless quantity used to identify and compare compounds based on their ability to move with the solvent.

What is Rf in chemistry?

Rf=Distance travelled by pigment/ Distance travelled by the solvent.Rf is the distance travelled by a sample or analyte divided by distance travelled by the solvent front in chromatography